
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

My Ten Favorite Top Ten Topics We've Ever Done

This meme is hosted by the lovely ladies at The Broke and the Bookish :)

In honor of the 5 years they have been doing this meme, this topic is all about your favorite top ten posts you've done! The first one that came to mind was:
I don't normally vent about these things, so it was nice to just lay it all out there!
These are all of my ladies. HOW COULD I NOT LOVE THIS POST?
And these are my favorite books. HOW COULD I NOT LOVE THIS POST EITHER?
*cue emotional instability because FEELS*
 I don't even need an explanation for this. THESE LADIES ARE THE BOMB DIGGITY. 
*screeches* GIMME GIMME
I threw it waaay back in this post, and had so much fun doing it. I actually forgot I read some of these and got super nostalgic. #twilightordie
It was weirdly satisfying to call myself out on all of these books and I vowed to myself that I would read all of them by the end of the year. So far, I've only read 2. I'm also wondering why I put The Selection in there? It's not fantasy, is it? *shakes head in disappointment at past Mariah*
My fav fluffy contemporaries! I have an urge to reread all of them but thats not productive. Sigh. 

What're your favorite Top Ten posts? 


  1. I'm not sure I could choose :)
    By the way, I've nominated you for the Liebster award. If you would like to participate then heres a link to your questions:

    1. I only had 6 months worth of topics so it was definitely easier for me :)
      But thank you so much! I definitely will.
