Happy Monday!

Monday, May 30, 2016

What I read last week The Problem with Forever by Jennifer L. Armentrout The Museum of Heartbreak by Meg Leder Currently reading Ivory and Bone by Julie Eshbaugh To-read ACOMAF by Sarah J. Maas, which I'm INSANELY EXCITED FOR, AHHHHHH. Then The Season of Me and You by Robin Constantine (if I get a copy of the book), and if I don't read that then The Loose Ends List by Carrie Firestone. Books I've obtained I bought ACOTAR by Sarah J. Maas and The Unexpected Everything by...
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The Problem with Forever by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Problem with Forever by Jennifer L. Armentrout Publisher: Harlequin Teen Publication Date: May 17th, 2016 Pages: 480 Song I Played While Reading: For What It's Worth by Kygo Rating: 4.5 stars For some people, silence is a weapon. For Mallory "Mouse" Dodge, it's a shield. Growing up, she learned that the best way to survive was to say nothing. And even though it's been four years...
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BEA 2016: wrap-up and giveaway!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

I had been ready for BEA since the day I heard of its existence. It was June 4th, 2013, and I was (most likely) sitting at home reading when I got the notification that Christine Riccio, aka polandbananasbooks, had uploaded a new video. I clicked on it eagerly, pondering the title: THE BEA 2013. What the hell was BEA? As I watched the video, I was flabbergasted that I had never heard of this before....
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I'm back! Happy Monday

Monday, May 23, 2016

It's been such a weird feeling not blogging. I'm so used to checking Blogger 24/7, double-checking that my posts are ready for the next day, making sure to comment and check out other people's blog posts, and thinking of interesting posts to write-up, that I felt like, when I sat down with my laptop in Chicago, I had nothing to do. I remember staring blankly at my screen and trying to figure out what the hell I was gonna do on it. Since I completely cut myself off from blogging, it took me a couple...
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Blog hiatus

Monday, May 9, 2016

Oh gosh, hello internet. I've been gone for the past couple of days digging myself an early grave, since final exams are absolutely KILLING ME. Literally, I've somehow managed to plan and procrastinate and wiggle my way into making everything due either last week, or today. The rough draft of my 6 page paper is due in 3 hours (I only have 4 pages right now), but in those three hours I also need to study for my geography final, prep for my in-class english writing assignment, study for my super important...
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Waiting on Wednesday: The Last Star

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

This meme is hosted by Breaking the Spine :) The Last Star by Rick Yancey Publisher: G. P. Putnam Publication Date: May 24th, 2016 Pages: 352 Link to Goodreads We’re here, then we’re gone, and that was true before they came. That’s always been true. The Others didn’t invent death; they just perfected it. Gave death a face to put back in our face, because they knew that was the only way to crush...
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Happy Monday!

Monday, May 2, 2016

What I read last week I only read The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater, which seriously makes me cringe because THAT'S ONLY ONE BOOK AND I HAD 7 WHOLE  DAYS. And what makes it worse was that I was in the middle of reading TDT. I didn't just start it that Monday. No, I was at least 100 pages deep. I think I struggled so much because I got really impatient at some points. I'm rereading the whole Raven Cycle series in preparation for The Raven King, so I obviously know what happens. So...
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