
Monday, May 23, 2016

I'm back! Happy Monday

It's been such a weird feeling not blogging. I'm so used to checking Blogger 24/7, double-checking that my posts are ready for the next day, making sure to comment and check out other people's blog posts, and thinking of interesting posts to write-up, that I felt like, when I sat down with my laptop in Chicago, I had nothing to do. I remember staring blankly at my screen and trying to figure out what the hell I was gonna do on it. Since I completely cut myself off from blogging, it took me a couple days to get used to it.  To me, being on a blog hiatus means cutting yourself off from it completely. Even though I still stayed active on my social media, I just stayed away from Blogger. And as the days passed, I realized how nice it was, especially while on vacation.
Besides needing to take my books to FedEx and get them shipped, I had no plans. I could sit back and actually relax with my friends. No little nagging blog thoughts crashed my vacation, and I highly recommend everyone doing this once in a while, even if you aren't on vacation. It's freeing!

What I read last week
I DNF'd The Summer Games: Settling the Score by R.S. Grey because I wasn't in the mood for it and my trip got majorly in the way. Plus, I really wanted to get started on reading the books I got from BEA, so I read, and absolutely adored, The Problem with Forever by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I can't even explain how amazing it was, and want every single on of you to go out and buy it so you can be blessed by its hauntingly beautiful prose, authentic characters, and gorgeous plot.

Currently reading

I've got a solid chunk of books I need to review, so I've got my TBR pile for the rest of May and most of June planned the fuck out. This will also be the perfect time to let you know what will be on the blog for the next couple weeks, so, LET'S GET EXCITED.

  • I'm a part of the Ivory and Bone tour by Julie Eshbaugh, which will be here on May 31st
  • Then I've got The Museum of Heartbreak by Meg Leder on June 10th
  • The Dreamer by E.J. Mellow (if y'all are stationary fanatics, check out her Instagram here, you will WEEP)
  • The Season of Me and You by Robin Constantine
  • And then I'm gonna reread ACOTAR by SJM to get all up in Feyra's business again for ACOMAF
SO. Many delicious book reviews will be coming your way soon, my lovely internet friends!

Books I've obtained
Many, many, many, many books have been obtained in my absence, and it's all because of BEA. I'll be posting my BEA wrap-up and haul (hopefully) tomorrow.

Music I've been loving
Into You // Ariana Grande
Be Alright // Ariana Grande
Too Good // Drake
If it Ain't Love // Jason Derulo
Me too // Meghan Trainor
Send My Love (To Your New Lover) // Adele
For What It's Worth // Kygo
Beat of My Drum // Powers 
Working For It // Zhu
Middle (4B Remix) // DJ Snake

Posts I've uploaded
Nothing since my blog hiatus!

Life shenanigans
I've got a gnarly throat thing going on. I don't want to say infection, since that makes it seem waaaaay worse then it is. It started out as a sore throat, then progressed to a nasty cough (which I still have) and now it's taken away my voice. I sound like a dying cow, and if I try to raise my voice, I squeak and then my voice breaks so that it only comes out as a whisper. My friends tell me I sound kind of like Jennifer Lawrence, and keep making me saying "Peeta" (I actually kind of do, and I may or may not have saved Snapchat videos of me pretending to be Katniss on my phone). I kid you not, whenever I visit my friends either at school or back home, I ALWAYS get sick. Always. Usually I'm just wiped out from lack of sleep and so much shitty food, and I get a little fever. But this is the first time it's hit my throat, and I'm not enjoying it at all. Not being able to talk, especially at work, is a major inconvenience. 
But besides that, life is good! School is over, so I'm just hanging out. I'm also looking for a second job, and am hoping Victoria's Secret will hire me. *crosses my fingers and toes* PLEASE.

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