
Monday, May 9, 2016

Blog hiatus

Oh gosh, hello internet. I've been gone for the past couple of days digging myself an early grave, since final exams are absolutely KILLING ME. Literally, I've somehow managed to plan and procrastinate and wiggle my way into making everything due either last week, or today. The rough draft of my 6 page paper is due in 3 hours (I only have 4 pages right now), but in those three hours I also need to study for my geography final, prep for my in-class english writing assignment, study for my super important if-you-ace-this-you-dont-have-to-come-into-the-final english quiz, shower, and drive the 40 minutes to school. So. Will I accomplish everything? Most likely not, but I'd like to pretend that I will.
Anyways, as you guessed from the title of this post, I'm letting y'all know that I'll be gone for the next week. I leave for Chicago at noon tomorrow, and then don't come back until Sunday. I'm going to BEA, so the first three days will be crammed full of that, and then I'll be visiting friends and family on Friday night and all day Saturday, so that means no time for reading. But I'm consoling myself with the fact that once this trip is over, I'll have 6 beautiful weeks of freedom before my summer classes begin. 6 WEEKS. *wiggles in excitement*
But! That doesn't mean I won't be active on the rest of my social media. Not only do some of my friends from home want to pose for some bookish pictures, but I'll be fangirling from everything at BEA on my Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram, so you'll actually get sick of me after a while. Plus, hello, I'll be in Chicago. That place is damn gorgeous and will be the background in all my pictures for the next year, I swear. All my social media links are to the right, if anyone was in interested.

Thank you for understanding! BEA will be amazing, but I'm definitely excited to get back into the normal swing of things :)