
Monday, March 28, 2016

Ten of my most recent 5 star reads! (TTT)

This meme is hosted by the lovely ladies at The Broke and the Bookish :)

Tell Me Three Things by Julie Buxbaum
This is my most recent read, and I rated it 5 glorious stars for being AMAZING. From the characters to it's storyline, Tell Me Three Things absolutely destroyed me in the best way possible. I was lucky enough to win a copy on Goodreads (my first time winning on there!) and now I want to throw it at every person I see. This comes out on April 5th!

A History of Glitter and Blood by Hannah Moskowitz
This is one of those eccentric books that you either love or hate, and when I saw this in the book store, and read the summary, I had the weirdest feeling that I would love it. I tend to love strange stories, so I finally read it and, SPOILER, I loved this with my entire being and could write pages and pages on why I do. But I manage to hold back in my review since I want you all to be as surprised by it's contents as I was. I only spill one thing, but I think it'll help you understand the book more. It definitely confused the hell out of me at first, so I'm saving you the trouble.  

Stars Above by Marissa Meyer
This is a bind up of short stories based in The Lunar Chronicles world, and, since I absolutely adored those books, MY HEART EXPLODED WHILE READING THIS. I'm confused on why some people are giving this such low ratings on Goodreads and saying "this doesn't add anything"? I almost feel like thats betraying the characters because why should it need to add anything? Shouldn't reading about them doing mundane things be enough? I could read this fluff all day. Hell, Cinder or Scarlett could be going to the damn bathroom and I would be enthralled. WHO DOESNT WANT FLUFFY MOMENTS WITH THEIR FAVORITE CHARACTERS? Much confusion. 

The Orphan Queen by Jodi Meadows
For the first half of this book, I was seriously considering putting it down. It all just seemed horridly familiar: orphaned princess wants to take back her rightful place on the throne and disguises herself as someone else to spy on the family that took her crown. And then something magical happened and I literally died. Just boom: there went my heart and my brain. I can't even remember what scene it was, I just remember falling into the story and being absolutely enamored by everything. It turned into something completely different and new and exciting AND I JUST LOVED IT SO MUCH. It went from 0 to 100 real quick. 

(Did I seriously just say that about a book, oh my god.)

The Mirror King by Jodi Meadows
Epic Reads sent me an ARC of this, which is what pushed me to read The Orphan Queen in the first place. Not only did Meadows accomplish writing a fantasy duology, which I honestly can't fathom doing because even successfully writing a trilogy is difficult, but she killed it. Literally and figuratively. She also wrote probably my favorite scene in a book ever. Okay no, that's a lie, everything Chaolaena in Crown of Midnight is my favorite scene ever, but this comes in second! It's so sudden and shocking and horrifically funny that I still giggle just thinking about it. Meadows wrote a scene that every authors imagines doing but can't justify. SHE'S A GENIUS. This also comes out on April 5th!

Winter by Marissa Meyer
This was such an epic conclusion to The Lunar Chronicles, it was the easiest 5 stars of my life. Everything was wrapped up perfectly and my god, I was drowning in the OTP feels. Specifically Wolf and Scarlett. They were such an undramatic couple that I could have wept. YES TO COUPLES THAT HAVE HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS AND DONT FIGHT OVER STUPID, UNIMPORTANT SHIT

Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
So much sass. So much love. So much creepy-yet-odly-beautiul machinery. SO MUCH OF EVERYTHING THAT IS GREAT AND WONDERFUL AND STUNNING. *throws confetti in the air*

Hopeless by Colleen Hoover
I love how CoHo manages to incorporate so much heartbreak without the reader being aware of it. There's always something more to her work that isn't written in the summary, and it's both exciting and scary trying to think of what it could be. Hopeless ripped my heart to absolute shreds and I barely managed to make it through alive. Bless CoHo for writing these realistic stories, BLESS.

Those are my most recent 5 star reads! I definitely had less than I thought I did. It seems I don't just throw around my 5 star honor badge to just any book. What books have you bestowed this honor upon? Link your post down in the comments! :)


  1. I just got Stars Above as an Easter present... and I'm excited to read it!! Glad you liked it. Short stories always kind of make me nervous. Also, that's SO cool that you won Tell Me Three Things on Goodreads. I've entered a ton of Giveaways on there and have never won, so I was starting to wonder if they were even legit or not.... LOL. I love the cover of that book though, and really want to read it :)

    1. That's exactly what I was thinking! But now we know it's legit. :)

  2. I have loved another by Julie Buxbaum and look forward to Tell Me Three Things.

    1. Yay! I definitely have to check out her other work now :)

  3. I think you hit it right with A History of Glitter and Blood. I see that people either love it or hate it. I have a copy on my Kindle but have never read it. Maybe I need to give it a chance.

    1. Yes, please do! Especially if you're in the mood for a light, but strange, story. It's super short, so it shouldn't take up too much of your time if you don't end up enjoying it :)

  4. So many awesome books on your list, these are ones I have either loved myself or am desperate to read. Illuminae made my list too, I LOVED that book. I adore Hoovers books, I haven't read one of them yet that I haven't loved. I am definitely going to be adding some of these to my already endless TBR, so thanks for the awesome recommendations!!! :) Here's my most recent five star reads, if you want to check them out :)

    1. Illuminae was AMAZING, I'm so glad you enjoyed it, along with Hoover's work. She's insanely talented! I agree, I haven't read a single piece of her work that I haven't loved, either. :)

  5. I seriously need to finish Cress so I can read Winter xD I'm not super into Cress but I've heard amazing things about the last book that it's motivating me to just get through it!

    Molly @ Molly's Book Nook
