
Monday, March 28, 2016

Happy Monday!

Hi guys! It's officially spring here in NorCal, since my allergies are whooping my ass and I've almost thrown my back out multiple times by sneezing so hard. It's terrible. And speaking of terrible, school started again today. But we're reading Water for Elephants in my English class, so it won't be absolutely unbearable. I read it years ago, yet lost the copy in whatever black hole that had erupted while my books were being shipped from Chicago to my house. That damn black hole took my prized copy of The Sky Is Everywhere.

Read Last Week
Tell Me Three Things by Julie Buxbaum
Born to Endless Night by Cassandra Clare

Currently Reading
Angels Twice Descending by Cassandra Clare

Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare
Water For Elephants

Happy readings! :)


  1. Ah Water for Elephants! I've always been really interested in it - it sounds awesome! I hope you get around to reading it soon, especially alongside Lady Midnight!! I know that what I've read of Lady Midnight has been awesome so far <3

    1. How far into Lady Midnight are you? And yes, I loved Water for Elephants! I read it years and years ago, and was absolutely thrilled when I saw that we were reading it for my English class :)

  2. Good luck in school! It sounds like you're in a quarter system. I haven't read Water for Elephants, but I heard it's an awesome novel.
