
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Underhyped Book Recommendation: The Wrong Side of Right

Kate Quinn’s mom died last year, leaving Kate parentless and reeling. So when the unexpected shows up in her living room, Kate must confront another reality she never thought possible—or thought of at all. Kate does have a father. He’s a powerful politician. And he’s running for U.S. President. Suddenly, Kate’s moving in with a family she never knew she had, joining a campaign in support of a man she hardly knows, and falling for a rebellious boy who may not have the purest motives. This is Kate’s new life. But who is Kate? When what she truly believes flies in the face of the campaign’s talking points, she must decide. Does she turn to the family she barely knows, the boy she knows but doesn’t necessarily trust, or face a third, even scarier option?

Set against a backdrop of politics, family, and first love, this is a story of personal responsibility, complicated romance, and trying to discover who you are even as everyone tells you who you should be.

The first thing that comes to mind whenever I think of this book is the raised hands emoji.
This signifies how right this book was. Everything was flawlessly done, from the characters, to the plot, to the writing, to the drama, to the intrigue over all of this political drama.
If there's one thing I don't read much of, its that. And it's odd because I find that sort of stuff fascinating. Seeing what it's really like to be a senator? Or a President? Or a King? Or really anyone in high authority? Pass it over! I (obviously) don't know what that's like, so this behind-the-scenes look at the ups and downs of it was intriguing.
The romance took a backseat to the more important issues Thorne tackled in here (which she also did PERFECTLY), but it was present enough that it made your heart burst with joy. I LOVED Andy. He was the perfect gentlemen, with a swoon-worthy dry sense of humor. Both him and Kate had strong morals, making them not only the perfect powerhouse couple, but the perfect characters that were able to stand on their own. They stood by their beliefs, never once wavering, even if it caused a lot of problems.
I was completely swept up in the story, loving how Thorne managed to balance all different aspects of life in here. Theres something for everyone; first love, family dynamics, political hot topics, personal discoveries, death, and the always wonderful coming-of-age storyline. I can't recommend this enough!

(Picture and summary from Goodreads

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