
Monday, October 5, 2015

Top Ten (Er, Five) Books I Recently DNF

This week's post was ten bookish things I want to quit, and one of the examples was books you recently DNF, so I choose that. This meme is hosted by the lovely ladies at The Broke and the Bookish :)

My Soul Immortal by Jen Printy
DNF'ing this book was a very difficult decision for me. It was an author request, and I couldn't fathom telling the wonderful woman that I couldn't finish her story. I mean, ouch?! But after sticking through almost half the book (which took about a week to do), I realized I was severely neglecting my other books and my blog, plus I knew that if this wasn't an author request I would've dropped it already. So I finally sucked it up, figuring Printy would appreciate the honesty.

The Secret History by Donna Tart
Talk about hype!! I was crazy excited to read this book because people were raving about it, and it sounded intriguing. "Under the influence of their charismatic classics professor, a group of clever, eccentric misfits at an elite New England college discover a way of thinking and living that is a world away from the humdrum existence of their contemporaries. But when they go beyond the boundaries of normal morality they slip gradually from obsession to corruption and betrayal, and at last - inexorably - into evil."
Does that not sound amazing?! Sadly, I was severely disappointed. I pushed through 150 pages before I had to raise the white flag. Never have I ever been so bored while reading before, nor have I ever read such unimportant nonsense. I'm all for reading about someones day and what they do, because I find it interesting. But this was a legitimate day-by-date account of someone who, not only was unimaginative and pitiful, but who also lived a life that lived up to those two characteristics. I wanted to pull my hair out. Plus, even 150 pages in, we only got the barest hints of what was to come. Nothing was happening, or even beginning too. I wanted some excitement!

The Vacationers by Emma Straub
This was a promising story, one that had mixed reviews, so I was interested to see how I would perceive it. I got to maybe... page 30? I was bored, plus couldn't stand how snotty the mother was. She was a privileged brat. 

The Young Elites by Marie Lu
DONT HURT ME. I'm definitely going to pick this up again, since I'm dying to know how the ending turned out. People are always raving about how insane it was and I MUST KNOW. But at the time this book just wasn't holding my interest. It took me a week to get through half of it, and I finally decided to put it aside until a time when I would be interested in it. Hopefully that will be soon!

Your Voice is All I Hear by Leah Scheier
I couldn't stand how childish the main character was being about her boyfriend being schizophrenic. She outright refused to believe it, even though it was blantly obvious. Instead of getting him help so he could have recovered faster, they had to suffer through weeks of dramatic episodes that were harmful to himself and the people around him. Pretending it isn't happening isn't going to solve anything; it just makes the whole situation worse until it explodes in your face. 

What bookish things did you want to quit? Link your post down in the comments! :)


  1. I didn't have high expectations when reading The Young Elites, especially since I wasn't all that impressed with the Legend series, but I enjoyed it much more than I expected!

    Check out my TTT.

    1. I haven't read the Legend trilogy yet! It's high on my TBR though.

  2. I haven't read The Young Elites but I didn't really enjoy Legend when I initially read it. So, I haven't been too tempted to pick of any of Marie Lu's other work. I've heard a lot of good things about it, though. Sorry you didn't enjoy it!

  3. we should always give ourselves the freedom to quit books we aren't enjoying! My TTT
