
Monday, August 10, 2015

Top Ten Authors I've Read The Most Books From

This meme is hosted by the lovely ladies at The Broke and the Bookish :)

1. Cecily Von Ziegesar- 14 
Honestly, if I were to read that name today, I would have no idea who that is. If I had read that name in middle school however... I probably would have fallen to the floor screaming. She wrote The Gossip Girl series, and THE. OBSESSION. WAS. REAL. There's a total of 13 books in that series, plus I read her stand-alone novel, Cum Laude. 

2. Richelle Mead- 13
My homie G. The apple to my pie. The peanut butter to my jelly. She's one of my auto-buy authors, even though I haven't read half of her books. THERE'S JUST TOO MANY. I have read (obviously) The Vampire Academy series, The Bloodlines Series, and Gameboard of the Gods. Her succubus series is up next!

3. Sara Shepard- 10
I was obsessed with The Pretty Little Liars series, but got tired of it after the 9th book. If there's more than 10 books (theres 14 in total) in a series, it's way too long for me. She could smush the books together and make it a 7 book series instead. I also read The Lying Game, but it was so similar to PLL that I could barely finish it.

4. Cassandra Clare- 9
This is a given. I've read The Mortal Instruments series and The Infernal Devices. I'm SOOOO freaking excited for The Dark Artifices. Emma is my kind of girl!

5. P.C. and Kristin Cast- 9
Another perfect example for a series that has waaaaay too many books. It feels like this mother-daughter duo just drew them out to make more money. Don't get me wrong, the story is fantastic and I do plan on finishing it, but seriously, 12 books? Combine 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, etc. and it would be perfect! 

6. J.K. Rowling- 7
Let's try and guess what 7 books these are. JUST TRY. 

7. Marissa De La Cruz- 7
I've read all of her Blue Blood books except for the last one. And I'm not sure if I'll ever finish the series cause I tried marathoning them but the first 2 books are so damn hard to get through. You can really tell how much her writing has developed through this series. Hopefully I'll be able to finish it someday!

8. Alyson Noel- 7
I read The Immortals series and Saving Zoe. Her writing in The Immortals? The bomb diggity. 

9. Sarah J. Maas- 5
Another MAJOR given. Maas is my queen and I'll buy WHATEVER she writes. Though I've been hearing a lot of things about QoS (some bad, some good) and I gotta admit... MY FEELINGS ARE A LITTLE HURT. WHAT DO I BELIEVE? I DONT KNOW. SO MUCH DRAMA. 

10. Stephanie Meyer- 5
This was a tough choice. The amount of authors I have that have either written a 5 book series, or I've read 5 of their books, is enormous! Rick Riordan, Becca Fitzpatrick, L.J. Smith, Jennifer L. Armentrout, Lauren Oliver, Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl... the list is endless. But I had to give a little shoutout to Mrs. Meyer and her life changing books. Not only did Twilight consume a huge part of my life (Twilight is basically Harry Potter for me), but it got me into reading. So thanks for that! Plus The Host was the shiz and totally amazing. 

Link your TTT down in the comments! I love reading them :)


  1. We have a lot of authors in common! I think we share five, Richelle Mead, J.k Rowling, Sarah J Maas, Stephenie Meyer and Cassandra Clare. I love all their books. Great list! You have an amazing blog!

    1. Yay! These are some fantastic authors and I love meeting people who love their stories like I do :) Thank you!!

  2. So wild how most of these authors could've been on my list, especially if I had stuck to more recent times. However, over my lifetime, my TTT is sort of lopsided in favor of more prolific writers rather than especial brilliant authors who might write less. This was a hard top ten for me to figure out just how to decide how to qualify why certain authors made it on the list. Some of my favs that just couldn't make the list because of being newer that you have are -- Maas, Mead, and Clare!

  3. We don't share any authors but you have some great ones here. However, I couldn't make it through the first Gossip Girl book...

    Check out my TTT.

    1. Thank you! I definitely wouldn't be able to reread the series now. I think I enjoyed it so much because I was young and easily influenced. Thanks for commenting :)

  4. It's so nice to hear someone spread love to the Twilight series & The Host. They get so much hate, but I actually really enjoyed them. =)

    My TTT.

    1. I used to be embarrassed of it and now I've accepted it. I do wish she had finished Midnight Sun though... I'M STILL WAITING, MEYER. Thanks for commenting! Cant wait to read your TTT :)

  5. Have you read the Perfectionists by Sara Shepard yet? The sequel and final book in the duology just came out and all I can say is: plottwist! I tried reading PLL but I wasn't that into it so stopped after the first book, still obsessed with the series though!
    And Sarah J. Maas? I'm totally with you on that one. She's probably one of my favorite authors ever and ACOTAR destroyed me! I read the audiobook and I was gasping, crying, smiling and laughing the entire way through - it might have been a bit awkward at times!

    Great list though and happy reading!
    AmandaEmma @ Little Miss Reader
    My Top Ten Tuesday

    1. I havent! I like how it's a duology, I'll definitely add it to my TBR :) And ugh I know, SJM is amazing and her writing is FLAWLESS. I haven't tried audiobooks but can imagine how weird that would have been at certain scenes! Imagine the poor soul who had to read it. Thank you! Happy readings to you too :)

  6. Great list! I haven't read any Sara Maas yet, but I need to! Here is my TTT if you want to check it out!
    Happy reading!

  7. Love your list this week! I really love Richelle Mead and Cassandra Clare, who both ended up on my list as well.

    My TTT:

    1. Love those ladies<3 They're amazing. Thank you :)
