
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

One Fling to Rule Them All by Deanna Dee

One Fling to Rule Them All by Deanna Dee
Publisher: Self-published
Publication Date: June 19th, 2015
Pages: 175
Song I Played While Reading: Blue by Marina and the Diamonds
Rating: 3 stars

It began with the forging of a great friendship.

For three months, Lydia Bell has watched Craig, her best friend and the love of her life, be in a happy relationship with someone else. But she’s over it. Or thinks she is until she hears Craig’s voice on the phone. Desperate to put her romantic feelings behind, she joins her roommates for a night out. Maybe she’ll meet someone.

And meet someone she does—a guy named Scott, who looks a lot like Craig. Despite their awkward introduction, flaming arrows fly, and soon Lydia is running off the dance floor to get away from feelings she shouldn’t have. So much for getting over Craig, and so much for Scott.

Until Monday morning, that is. Turns out Scott goes to her school. Worse, they share a class. As if that’s not weird enough, Scott is also trying to get over someone. To help both Lydia and himself, he proposes a fling, and reluctantly, Lydia agrees. Now she just has to hope this fling rules and doesn’t crash into a fiery mountain

I'd like to thank Deanna Dee for providing me this copy in exchange for an honest review.

I knew Lydia Bell would be a memorable character when we open up with her talking about The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. First of all, BOOK WORM. Second of all, IT'S A BOOK I ACTUALLY KNOW. Most narrators either only read the classics or books I've never heard of, so I was delighted to see that I actually recognized this title, plus its on my TBR! 
Lydia was an awesome narrator. She was super, super relatable and I found myself laughing out loud at her awkwardness. She blabbered in her head a lot, which sometimes bothers me, but Dee made it work. Instead of being annoyed at how she sometimes second-guessed herself or for being self-conscious, I found myself thinking back to a moment when I felt like that. It was comforting. 
Scott was a total sweetheart. I WANT HIM. Besides one point where he acted like a total poo-head, he was such an easy-going and nice guy. I also really enjoyed Lydia's friends. They each had their own spunk and stood out, instead of being meshed together as "Lydia's home friends." Dawn was my favorite. Any girl that can scare a guy like she did Scott is completely admirable in my book! 
If you're a gamer, then I think you'll really like the other, more hidden, aspect to this story. Lydia and her home friends play this fantasy war game and most of it went over my head since I don't play and couldn't really understand what was going on, but I was surprised at the huge chunk of pages it gobbled up! They reference the Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Harry Potter, and many other fantasy based books/movies, too. 
The ending felt a little rushed and too perfect, but it contributed to the overall theme of a light and fluffy read, which I figured this would be. So if you enjoy those types of contemporaries than I suggest you check this one out! 

""Didn't you finish that one already?"
I blink and actually look at the cover. The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. I did finish this one, all glorious six-hundred-plus pages of it. 
"I wanted to reread a part of it." Which is not true in the slightest. This is absolutely not the kind of book one reads part of. It's all or nothing. 

"In my room,  I throw my clothes and my laptop into my backpack. Then I sit on my bed where Scott and I played games, laughed, and made out, and I sigh like some love sick tween. He's gone. We're done. We never even were. Get over it. And with that cheerful pep talk, I vacate my room. 

(Picture and summary from Goodreads)

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