
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Top Ten Fantasy Books I Cant Believe I Haven't Read Yet

This meme is hosted by the lovely ladies at The Broke and the Bookish. Some of these books have been on my TBR list on Goodreads for years. Why haven't I read these? I DONT KNOW. Fantasy is one of my all time favorite genres, so hopefully this will be the kick in the butt I need to order these babies!

Cinder by Marissa Meyer
I remember when this first came out. I read the description, thought it sounded okay, then promptly forgot about it. But with all this hype coming out from the release of Fairest, I looked at the description again and it suddenly sounded way different. So I've finally added this to my TBR pile, and plan on ordering it ASAP.

The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater 
This is just like what happened with Cinder; the release of Blue Lily, Lily Blue  made everyone freak out over this series, and I reconsidered my previous assumptions on it. Its officially added!

Angelfall by Susan Ee
Seriously you'd think with all the rave this book got I would have gotten it... nope.

The Selection by Kiera Cass
I guarantee you if I had seen this book at Barnes and Noble I would have picked it up without even reading the synopsis. THAT COVER IS GORGEOUS. Don't judge a book by its cover, my ass.

Red Rising by Pierce Brown
Oohing and aahing over this cover, plus the whole science fiction aspect of this book intrigues me because I don't read much sci-fi. Sounds awesome!

The Archived by Victoria Schwab
I loved Vicious, Schwab's adult fantasy book/ the first book I read from her. It was insanely cool, so of course I had to add this book to my TBR list. Hopefully I'll get to it before the third book comes out!

Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder
I first heard this book from my favorite booktuber, Christine. This is one of her favorite trilogies, so of course I had to add it to my TBR shelf. I've seen some hype on this in the past couple of weeks, and I think the author is writing more books in the series, so I need to get my hands on this!
Check out Christine's channel while your reading this, I promise you won't be disappointed. Her book talks are hilarious.

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
I've heard mixed reviews on this, but so many of the booktubers I watch on Youtube have reviewed this that I wanted to join in on the fun. Plus, from the few adult books I've read, 80% of them have been historical fictions, so I thought why not add this to the list!

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern 
I've wanted to get my hands on this baby for so long. Why hasn't it happened yet? I DONT KNOW. *cries*

Dreams of Gods & Monsters by Laini Taylor
This was one of those books that I looked forward the second I finished the previous book. I salivated over it, counted down the days, grew more and more excited for it. I don't even know if this counts since its the last book in trilogy, but I'm determined to read this book. Because I know once I do I'll scream at myself for not picking it up sooner.

Whats on your list?

(Images from Goodreads)

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