
Monday, February 2, 2015

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

Hello, hello!
Happy February everyone :) This is a good month for me. Besides the fact that its my birthday on the 15th, all that delicious Valentines day candy is 75% off. I swear the amount of chocolate I get as a present doubles every year. Not that I mind ;)
This meme is hosted by the lovely Sheila from Book Journey

Finished This Week
I'm rereading the Throne of Glass series, so its been quite an emotional week. If you haven't read these books yet, please do that now. This is your sign. GO. READ THEM NOW. You can thank me later :)
The Assassins Blade
Throne of Glass
Crown of Midnight 

Upcoming Books
I'm FINALLY reading Percy Jackson. I'm bringing the first three books with me to Puerto Rico, so hopefully I'll have some time to read!

What will you be reading this week? 

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