
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Book Blogger Love-a-Thong 2015: Snapshots

Good afternoon, people of the internet!
I hope you all had a blast yesterday with the love-a-thon, cause I know I did. I loved seeing everyones book spine poetry and their favorite quotes on love and friendship. Some had me drooling cause I'm a total romantic. This is the fourth mini challenge and its all about books. Your books. Post pictures of your bookshelfs, your favorite books, your tbr shelf, all your paperbacks, all your hardbacks, whatever! Just take some damn pictures and lets all ooh and aah over them (cause thats what I plan on doing).

These are some of my favorites that I have with me

All of these give me crazy feels and I love them with my entire being. What're some of your favorites? 


  1. ooh! I can't wait to get to I Was Here.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. OMG a signed copy of Heir of Fire! Amazinggggg!!! I haven't read a single other one of your books, although they are all on my TBR :P Especially the Shatter Me Series - I love the covers for those!!!

    1. I know its so pretty, sometimes I just stare at it in awe. I ordered it signed though, I haven't gotten a chance to meet the lovely Sarah J. Maas yet :( And I know, the Shatter Me series covers are gorgeous!

  4. I like your style. I also have a signed copy from HOF and I treasure it.


    1. Thanks! :) Same, I almost wanna put mine on a pedestal so whenever someone passes by they can bask in its glory

  5. Shatter Me series!!! I love those books so much :)

    1. Same!! They gave me one of the worst book hangovers of my life, which you'd think I would have hated but I cherished it. Warnette is life

  6. What lovely photos! I love that you did books against a white background - I'm obsessed with photos like that, and these turned out beautiful.
