
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Book Blogger Love-a-Thon 2015: High Five

Hello again!
This is the fifth and final mini-challenge, which asks us to show all of our current bookish favorites at the moment. This could be about books (obviously), authors, book swag, a certain genre, blogs, and anything else making you fly high on this beautiful day. Let's get started!
Warning: this is going to be long and full of rambling.

I first want to talk about some authors. These magical and wonderful people have ripped out my heart and stomped all over it, then proceeded to mend it slowly back together before tearing it apart again. And I LOVE THEM SO MUCH FOR IT. The first is Leigh Bardugo.
She wrote the Grisha trilogy. And sweet baby Jesus I've never cried so hard at an ending to a series. It was the worst episode of my entire life, which is saying something cause the smallest things can get me dropping to my knees in tears. And I didn't approve of who Alina ended up with. And I also didnt approve of the horrible thing that happened to a certain handsome prince MY POOR BABY. I DONT WANT TO SAY WHO CAUSE OF SPOILERS BUT Y'ALL KNOW WHO I'M TALKING ABOUT. Seriously I fell in love with him. Bardugo, how much do I have to pay you to write a spin off from his pov? That would almost be as good as an entire book from Rowans pov in the Throne of Glass series. Or one from Kenji in Shatter Me. Honestly I could do all three.
Luckily, Mrs. Bardugo (I'm assuming Mrs, apologizes if she's not) is writing another series in the Grishaverse and the cover for the first book, Six of Crows, was revealed last Friday.
Brace yourself. Its fucking beautiful.
WOOOOOOOOO!!!! When books have incredible covers I give a slow clap to the team behind it. THOSE PEOPLE KNOW WHAT THEYR'E DOING.
She's going to YallWest, a book festival in Santa Monica, and I plan on letting her know exactly how I felt about the pain a certain prince when through. I'm also hoping she'll hand out either signed posters, little blurbs of the book, or ya know... MAYBE THE BOOK ITS SELF. A girl could dream. *sigh*

Also revealed on that same day was the cover for Sara Raasch's second book in her trilogy, Snow Like Ashes. If you haven't read SLA... WHAT'RE YOU DOING? GET UP AND GO GET IT.
I just... I CANT, ITS SO PRETTY. ANOTHER SLOW CLAP FOR THE BASTARDS THAT CREATED THIS. She's also going to YallWest (seriously you guys, if you live in California check out this insane festival. Every author known to man (besides Sarah J. Maas for some reason????) is going to be there. I'll leave the link for the website here) and I plan on tackling her in a bear hug because Snow Like Ashes was so beautiful and amazing.

Finally, I need to talk about my ever-growing love for Sarah J. Maas. Words can't even describe how amazing Throne of Glass is. Its one of my all time favorites. Queen of Shadows, the fourth book, comes out in September AND JUST THINKING ABOUT IT BRINGS TEARS TO MY EYES AND GIVES ME GOOSEBUMPS CAUSE ITS GOING TO BE SO EPIC. Her writing is absolutely breathtaking and all of her characters are amazing and well thought out. They go through so much and I just want hug and kiss all their pain away (preferably Chaol, but I'm okay with Rowan, Dorain, and Aedion too. I've got enough love for all of them) Will I live to see the last book? It's debatable.
And she has another book coming out in May, A Court of Thorns and Roses, which is a retelling of Beauty and the Beast with faerie lore
Slow. Clap.
Screw the clap, I've fallen to my knees and declared them gods.
I'm currently rereading Heir of Fire, which means I'm locked in my room making a lot of noises that used to worry my family, but now they understand and stay away.

It's pretty obvious what my favorite genre is, right?

Next, I wanna talk about my very very very very small pile of book swag. I'm embarrassed to say it's almost nonexistent. Whenever I get enamored with a series I look up anything material related to it. Usually t-shirts and the jewelry someone recreates from the original one in the story. But I can't buy them cause I've just wasted all my money on books and curse my self for not thinking of the material things. Of the few things I've actually bought, one is still back home in Illinois (damn you house for not selling), and thats the Morgenstern ring on a necklace. I wore it all through City of Heavenly Fire and kissed it multiple times. Next I've got these beauts.
They're charms with Alinas and The Darklings characters on them: Sun summoner and Darkling. I had to put them together cause otp. I would have added Nikolai's to it to really make it a party, but I didn't like the way it looked. This website has a bunch of Grisha related things, along with other book swag, so definitely check them out! I'll leave the link here.
And then I've got my tickets to YallWest that I cherish with every fiber of my soul. And thats it. Its sad, I know. My next buy is the amethyst ring Chaol gave Celaena in ToG.

Finally, I wanna talk about some blogs. Two of my favorites at the moment have to be Alexa from Alexa Loves Books (the genius behind this awesome love-a-thon) and Hazel from Stay Bookish. They were some of the first blogs I found and followed and I'm so glad I did. They both commented on some of my posts yesterday and I just about died of happiness. A big thank you to Hazel for posting about the Love-a-Thon, which introduced me to it, and a huuuuge shoutout to Alexa for this awesome experience. I've met so many great people and spread lots of love. I hope I get to meet both of these lovely ladies at some point in future :)

(Book images from Goodreads)


  1. WOO HOO...a Maas/Bardugo superfan! You are my people! I love your enthusiasm!

  2. Awww, Mariah, you are wonderful! Thank you for being such an incredible participant in this year's Love-a-Thon <3 I loved the way you chose to tackle this post! I'm a big Sarah J. Maas fan myself, so I totally feel you on the crazy admiration you have for her and her books (which are amazing, amazing, amazing). And I loved Sara Raasch's book too! So thrilled you get to go to YALLWest - have an amazing time!

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