
Monday, February 4, 2019

Tentative TBR for 2019

So, my goals for reading this year are drastically different from previous ones. Mostly because I don't have as much time to read anymore. If I'm not getting home late from work, eating dinner, and then immediately passing out on the bed, Chris and I have scheduled time to watch our favorite shows (currently obsessed with The Resident), or we're golfing, or I'm helping him with a side job, or we're hanging out with friends, etc.
You're probably thinking to yourself, "Bah, excuses, EXCUSES, BITCH." I wholeheartedly agree with you! But until I figure out a solid balance, my reading is sporadic and desperate at best. But! That doesn't mean I don't have a TBR list. I made 50 books my goal this year for the Goodreads Reading Challenge, and am dedicating all of 2019 to destroying my TBR pile. I'm embarrassed to say I have one that's been sitting on my shelf since 2014. And I'm not even going to say what it is because you might reach through your computer and smack me upside the head cause it's definitely one by Laini Taylor and I definitely REALLY LOVED THE FIRST BOOK, I DON'T KNOW WHAT MY PROBLEM IS, I'M SORRY.
So, without further ado, here are some of the books I'm looking forward to reading this year!

Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas

I'm emotional about Chaol for many, many reasons. Mostly because she turned my dream man into a sniveling, whiny brat and I hated it. That wasn't who he was, and I'm pretty sure she only did it so people would ship a certain main character with a certain male with face tattoos. But from the reviews, Chaol comes out fairly normal in this so I guess I'm okay.

Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas

And obvious book to follow Tower of Dawn. I'm emotional just reading the damn synopsis, so I'm going to be hysterical and possibly comatose when I finish this. For as much as I hated how the story went and how the main character changed halfway throughout the series... This is my OG series. The first series to truly morph me into a rabid fangirl. It'll be a wild ride.

Summer Skin by Kirsty Eagar

Since I will be in a state of absolute devastation from KoA, I figured this snarky romance would ease me through my mourning process. Here's a little blurb:

"It's all Girl meets Boy, Girl steals from Boy, seduces Boy, ties Boy to a chair and burns Boy's stuff. Just your typical love story.

A searingly honest and achingly funny story about love and sex amid the hotbed of university colleges by the award-winning author of Raw Blue."

Sounds amazing, right? YES.

Who's surprised? NO. ONE. I've been waiting for this moment ever since I finished Ruin and Rising one rainy night in December of 2014, absolutely crushed over what my poor Nikolai went through. At Yallwest, when Leigh was signing my Six of Crows book and asked who my favorite character was from that series, I blurted out "Nikolai." 
And she laughed really hard and said he wasn't in that series and I start blabbing about how he was too good for this world and he deserved his own series so he could have a happy ending, and I even got her damn friend who was standing next to her to back me up. So. I would like to formally take a small claim in thinking she wrote KoS because of me.
You're welcome. 

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

Back in my Reading Dark Ages (that's what I'm calling my year and a half hiatus from the book world hehe), I still kept getting some kick ass book mail. I received this, but wasn't too keen because I had read Black's The Coldest Girl in Cold Town and wasn't super thrilled with it. So I didn't think much of The Cruel Prince until I jumped back into the book world and WOW WE'RE MY ASSUMPTIONS WRONG.
I read that this is like Game of Thrones? And some people don't like it because it's so vicious and dark???? Um... SIGN ME THE FUCK UP. 

The Winter People by Rebekah L. Purdy

This is a suuuuuper random book that's been on my TBR for over two years. As mixed as the reviews are, the synopsis keeps getting stuck in my head and intriguing me. It's about this girl who fears winter time, and the cold, because of something that happened to her as a child. I know there are faeries involved, and honestly I love the idea of creepy faeries. So I'm going to give this a go.

I will definitely be reading waaaay more books, but these are ones I have on hand that I plan on reading immediately. Since I was so out of the loop, I have zero idea of what's coming out in 2019, so most of my TBR are books dating from 2018 and before. 
So! Tell me what books you're most excited to read this year. Any new releases I should keep an eye out for?

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