
Sunday, November 6, 2016

I Heart Bookstagram tag!

I saw this tag when Molly from Molly's Book Nook did it, and I OF COURSE had to do it since I'm a bookstagram fanatic. I tag whoever wants to do it! :)

What's your Instagram handle? @vibinwithbooks

How long have you been in the Instagram community? A little over a year and a half now! Which is crazy because I feel like I've been doing it for my entire life.

How many people do you follow? 801

How many followers do you have? 10.1 K, which is INSANE.

What're your favorite hashtags? #bookstagram #booksandcoffee #epicreads

What is your favorite genre of picture? This question is worded weirdly, because it's a little obvious: BOOKS. Books and coffee specifically.

How often do you post? Usually once a day at night (I find my pictures get more likes at night/ when I'm sleeping), but sometimes I'll go a day or two if I don't have any particular picture I wanna post.

How often do you check Instagram? Allllll the time. Seriously, if I have my phone in my hand and I'm not doing anything, 9/10 I'm on Instagram.

What's your favorite filter? I don't use the filters on Instagram, and instead use VSCOcam. C1 is what I use for all my pictures.

iPhone only, purist, or rebel? iPhone 97% of the time, but if I want to feature my phone in the picture, or need a slightly better quality, I use my camera. (I have a Canon SX50 HS.)

What is the best part about being in this community? Holy guacamole, definitely the people I've met. Everyone is SO welcoming and kind and fun. Fellow bookworms, authors, publishing companies, the people who work in publishing companies. I've met so many incredible people that I 100000% wouldn't have met otherwise, if I hadn't been a bookstagramer.

What is the worst part about being in this community? I've never really had a bad experience with Instagram. No plagiarism, no hateful spammers, etc. So I've been pretty blessed so far. So I'd have to say nothing!

Three favorite IG accounts currently? Three? Psh. YEAH, OKAY.
  • Natasha from @bookbaristas (book and coffee goals, AM I RIGHT?)
  • Viktoria from @seelieknight
  • Grace from @wlsgrace
  • Alyssa from @sweptawaybybooks
  • Laura from @whatshotblog
  • Rachel from @authorrsgrey
  • Polly from @pollyandbooks
  • CiCi from @therusticwindow
There are a bajillian more that I love, and if anyone wants me to name off some more just let me know! (Almost all of the people that I follow are great, so just take a gander through who I'm following and #treatyoself)

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