
Monday, September 5, 2016

Monthly Wrap-up: August 2016

Waaaaah. It's the first day of September, and I'm actually distraught over the idea of not experiencing fall for the second year in a row. Fall is my favorite season! Why did I think I would love California so much? Unless I'm way up North, seasonal changes don't exist. I even miss the smell of fall. That chilly, intoxicating burnt smell that permeates the air. I would be grinning to myself like an idiot whenever I would walk outside and be taking the most ridiculous deep breaths every few feet. I MISS IT. (No one cares, Mariah, get over yourself.)

Books I read this month

And The Tree's Crept In by Dawn Kurtagich - 2 stars // Goodreads

It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover - 5 stars // Goodreads

Slammed by Colleen Hoover - 3 stars // Goodreads

Point of Retreat by Colleen Hoover - 4 stars // Goodreads

Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson - 4 stars // Goodreads

Cherry by Lindsey Rosin - 4 stars // Goodreads

My favorite was OBBBBBVIOUSLY It Ends With Us. It might even be my favorite book of the year. (We'll see by the end of September if Empire of Storms beats IEWU.)

On the blog
I didn't post much in the month of August because I was suuuuuuper busy. I moved the first week of August, spent all of the second week unpacking, then had to deal with some major anxiety issues when school started the third week. So I posted three-ish reviews (It Ends With Us, Slammed, and Point of Retreat all by my queen CoHo, and then Cherry), then asked you guys if you finished an average series/trilogy just to say you finished it, or gave up entirely to save money. 

Music I've been loving
Halsey's Badlands album (it comes and goes, but I'm literally ALWAYS in the mood to listen to that  beautiful fucking album) // Capsize by Frenship // Who Do You Think Of? by M.O // For Free by DJ Khaled // All Of Me by Big Gigantic // Blow Your Mind (Mwah) by Dua Lipa // Bikini Body by Dawin // i hate u, i love u - Robin Schultz remix by gnash // Wreak Havoc by Styler Grey // Bonbon by Era Istrefi // Purple Lamborghini by Skrillex

TV shows I've been watching
Can we TALK about Stranger Things for a second here?! The funny thing about these sort of TV shows (and even books) is that one day, they don't exist. Everything is all fine and dandy, and I'm puttering along, doing my thang. And then the next, the entire fucking book community has exploded over it. Naturally, I had to see what all the hype was about, and NATURALLY, became obsessed. A goal of mine this year is to watch more TV, which seems counterproductive, but I don't fucking watch TV. I'm pretty sure at one point in my life, I hadn't touched a remote control in weeks. But I always felt so left out when everyone was obsessed over a TV show, so I told myself that I needed to jump on the bandwagon and finally watch them. Before this year, the only TV show I had fully committed to was Teen Wolf. But now I can successful cross off Vikings, Jessica Jones, and Stranger Things on my to-watch list. (I'm impatiently waiting for the next season in each of these shows). My goals are to complete Gilmore Girls and season 5 of Teen Wolf by the end of this year.

Books I acquired 

I preordered It Ends With Us, and then bought Cherry on a whim a couple days ago. Bookcase club sent me another batch of YA goodies, these with a crime/mystery theme.

Life shenanigans 
Anxiety has reared its nasty head, so for the past two weeks, I've been all over the place. I was throwing up all Monday morning and had to miss my first class because I was so anxious and needed to sleep it off. I've never in my life had this severe of anxiety before, so I really don't know what's going on. I almost ran out of my speech class today, since we were picking our groups and I didn't know who to choose and thought I was going to pass out. Is this what anxiety does? Does it just lay dormant in some people, and then suddenly pop up and go "HEY! I think it's time I fuck up your life a little, yeah?" 0/10 would recommend. My thyroid is also throwing a party again, so I need to get that checked out as well. And I've also been moody as hell. And my english teacher, who I have for both of my english classes, expects us to be legitimate english scholars. So. I'm struggling.
But! Some good things: I love my apartment. Like, LOVE. My mom and I live in this adorable apartment complex smack in the middle of this bumpin' town, so I'm minutes away from everything. There's a pool, a gym, and FREE STARBUCKS BLACK COFFEE. Yeah. Free fucking coffee. IN MY APARTMENT COMPLEX. God bless, y'all. 

Okay, enough about me: WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN UP TO? What was your favorite and least favorite book? I don't even want to talk about It Ends With Us because tears. Everywhere.

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