
Monday, April 11, 2016

Ten books every fantasy lover should read! (TTT)

This meme is hosted by the lovely ladies at The Broke and the Bookish :)

I'm total fantasy trash, so I had to make this week's Top Ten Tuesday all about my favorite fantasy books! These are my top top top TOP favorites, and combined, these all killed me about... A MILLION TIMES. EACH. I don't know how I'm still sitting here breathing. 
Am I missing any good fantasy books? What did you post for todays TTT? Link it down in the comments! :)


  1. I'm a huge fantasy fan and have read almost all the books on your list. HP is of course number one above all else and Sarah J. Maas always manages to slay me. Great list this week!
    My TTT

    1. Woohoo! I love meeting fellow fantasy lovers :) Thank you!

  2. I keep meaning to read The Orphan Queen, so I'm pleased to see it on your list. :-)

  3. I wanted to pick this topic so badly but I picked fantasy last time so I wanted to shake it up...and picking only 10 is HARD! But yeah I've read and loved all but two of these books and one I just got the other day (Orphan Queen) so I'm hoping I love it as much as the others! Great picks and some amazing books. My Top Ten

    1. Oh man, I know, I was thinking about trying to do a different topic, since I feel like I ALWAYS talk about fantasy books, but I couldn't resist trying to push my favorite books on everyone again. It's a bad habit. Thank you! :) I hope you enjoy The Orphan Queen, too! It took a while for me to get into it, but once I did I was hooked.

  4. Great list ! I've read most of them, and love them :)
    I do miss the Falling Kingdom series though !

    My TTT

    1. That's next on my TBR! I've heard it's epic, and I have the first book on my shelf. Thank you! :)

  5. I would have loved to do this topic, but I always talk about fantasy books that I love, so I wanted to do something different. Still, you have a great list.
    My TTT:

    1. That's what I was stuck on! I decided, what the hell, let's fangirl about books I talk about waaaaay too much. Thanks! :)

  6. I LOVED The Vampire Academy Series! The Bloodlines series...Not so much :|
    Great Top Ten!
    My TTT.

  7. I'm not a huge fantasy reader, but the ones I've read on your list I've loved. I'm going to have to check out the rest! Great choices.
    My TTT:
