
Monday, April 25, 2016

Happy Monday!

Hi guys! I wanted to start spicing up this post, since it's severely lacking. I always see people posting, on either Sunday or Monday, these pizazzy posts on what they read the week before and are planning on reading, what they posted, what movies they watched or what music they're loving. I thought it'd be fun to do, so you guys can get even MORE involved in my life! I know that's exactly what you all secretly wanted, so, without further ado, the new and improved "Happy Monday!"

What I read last week
I DNF'd No One Else Can Have You by Kathleen Hale 50 pages in because of it's slightly morbid and disturbing voice. I go into detail on that in my last post, Recent DNF's, which I'll link down below! Then I started my reread of The Raven Boys, which half the planet has also started doing too. I've never seen so many people reading that series all at once and it makes me heart so happy. Stiefvater's writing is unlike anything I've ever read before. It's also impossible to describe, unless you've read The Raven Cycle, so if you're curious, READ IT. Also, read it if you like short, feisty feminists, brotp's, beautiful friendships, screaming "SQUAD GOALS" in your sleep, and Welsh Kings.

Currently (re)reading
The Dream Thieves, aka Ronan Lynch's (aka MY FAVORITE CINNAMON ROLL'S) autobiography. If you enjoyed Ronan even in the slightest way in The Raven Boys, or loved him with your entire cynical cold heart (like me), then read The Dream Thieves.

This may come as a shock to you, but I'll be rereading Blue Lily, Lily Blue. And then The Raven King, which should be on it's way tomorrow, glorious and signed and doodled in by the wonderful Maggie Stiefvater. #savegansey2k16

Books I've obtained
Nothing! I went to Barnes and Noble on Saturday and had planned on treating myself to the Hamiltome and another book, but the Hamiltome was (unsurprisingly) sold out, and I lost my will to buy another book (wow, what a statement for a bookworm). The incentive had been the Hamiltome and then another book. So, no Hamiltome = no other book. Plus, I think my heart and brain are finally on agreement with what a book buying ban means. My TBR is honestly ridiculous, plus I need to save money for errands I have to run before BEA, like getting a mani pedi, my hair dyed, new clothes, etc., and then I'll need extra cash while in Chicago, so it would be better if I didn't buy anything else. Plus, do you know how many books I'm going to be getting at BEA?! It's going to be insurmountable, I tell you! (Oops, sorry, didn't mean to flash my Richard Campbell Gansey III on you there. How embarrassing.)

Music I've been loving
The Lumineers new album, Cleopatra. The cover could've been in a damn Miss Peregrines book. The 1975, specifically Somebody Else. I listened to that while reading Second Chance Summer and I get so many feels. It's not like the lyrics relate to the story, but the overall tone of the book, plus the tone of Somebody Else (melancholy), just makes me want to simultaneously burst into tears and drive down a highway with my windows rolled down and just breathe. Flume also came out with a new single with Tove Lo, Say It, and I weep, I tell you. It's another song that makes me feel two different things at once and it's seriously so awesome.

Posts I uploaded
Happy Monday! on 4/18
Elementals: The Blood of the Hydra blog tour on 4/18
Top ten books that made me laugh! on 4/19
Waiting on Wednesday: The Summer Games on 4/20 #blazeup
Recent DNF's on 4/23

Life updates
Zilch! All I've been doing is going to school, reading, and then working on the weekends. I've been eyeing this used bookstore near me, wondering if I should go in and apply. I need a second job, and that would be the perfect one. It's pretty quiet in there, and the owner is an older gentleman, so I figure it'll be pretty easy, plus I can work on my schoolwork since I'll be taking an English class over the summer. Maybe I'll be an adult and pop in there with a resume sometime this week!

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