
Monday, March 7, 2016

Top ten characters everyone loves but I just don't get!

This meme is hosted by the lovely ladies at The Broke and the Bookish :)

1. Katniss Everdeen from THE HUNGER GAMES
It's like Collins doesn't know how to write characters that smile. Or even want to smile! I can't tell you how many times I struggled trying to connect to this depressing character. I get that she went through a lot (don't most characters?) but DAMN. LIGHTEN UP A LITTLE. THE FUCK. I can't stand characters that are moody and bitter and shit all over everyone just because they've been shit on by the world. 

2. Tris Prior from DIVERGENT
Nope. Nada. I read THE HUNGER GAMES a while back, so my feelings on her are a little muffled, though the movies have rekindled some of my memories. But ALLEGIANT was pretty recent, and man; I couldn't understand any reasoning behind what Tris did. On any of her actions. Even from the beginning, in DIVERGENT, I knew she would be one of those aloof characters that I try to puzzle out and not understand.

3. America Singer from THE SELECTION
Oh, this bitch. The is one character that I outright dislike. Katniss and Tris were confusing, but subtle enough were it didn't bother me. But America Singer is everything I'm not and everything I strive not to be like, and how I survived reading three full books from her POV is utterly beyond me. She's hypocritical, rude, childish, indecisive, selfish, confusing, and LEADS POOR MAXON ON FOR THREE FUCKING BOOKS. That's not a spoiler, so don't harass me. She's also irrational, way too emotional, and breaks very important promises. She refuses to listen to reason, instead forming her own opinions and judging everyone based on that. I could go on and on about this horrible character, and will happily leave a link to Christine's (aka Polandbananasbooks from youtube) book talk on The Elite, the second installment in this trilogy here. She drags America through the dirt and it's AWESOME. Sorry to any America lovers out there!

4. Princess Lia from THE KISS OF DECEPTION
I've never read from a narrator that's so wrapped up in a romance. For the first half of this book, I kid you not, the only thing Lia did was think of these two guys and who she liked more and ooh is he gonna kiss me? It was aggravating and nonessential to the storyline. I don't care which two dimensional guy falls for you, Lia.  She outgrew that mindset (a little), but her overall character was just super dull. She thought she was all that and I was side-eyeing her like, "No.... you aren't."

5. Kestrel from THE WINNERS CURSE
Kestrel is another dull character for me, along with, honestly, the whole storyline. I seem to be the only person that feels this way. But even though I could admire Kestrel and her ridiculously smart and sophisticated mind, some of her actions just made me shake my head. She didn't evoke any feelings in me, and at the end of THE WINNERS CRIME I just shrugged and said, "sucks to be you, girl.", and went along with my day. 

I will NEVER understand girls that unnecessarily fight with their love interest. NEVER. Whenever I read about a character that talks about pushing away the people they love, even if they don't want too, I just have to stop and brace myself. I DONT UNDERSTAND. WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN? DO YOU NOT HAVE CONTROL OF YOUR MIND?  IF YOU DONT WANT TO PUSH AWAY THE GUY YOU LIKE, THEN DONT??? WHY IS THAT SO HARD?  I'm not sure if Ruby has ever said that one specific line, but she definitely fought with Liam for reasons that are still to this day unclear to me. 

7. Alina from SHADOW AND BONE
So, this is primarily due because of the end of RUIN AND RISING. If you've read it, you understand. WRONG.
*bashes head against a desk*
But besides that irrational decision, overall I liked her! I just had to mention it because it's the biggest mystery to me and I'll never understand it. 

 What character did you not like but everyone else seems too? Or what character did you like but no one else does? Link your post down in the comments! :)


  1. Tris Prior is on the top of my list this week. I liked the idea of her more than I actually liked her. I could appreciate her. I just didn't connect. lol. Great list!

  2. I'm really glad I was never interested in picking up The Selection - it sounds like I would have been totally enraged if I did.

    Check out my TTT.

    1. Oh yeah, you would've. I only pushed through since I had bought the box set and don't like not finishing a series. Thankfully, The Heir is about her daughter, who is way more outspoken than America.

  3. I'm not a fan of America either. She really irritated me!

  4. I didn't really mind America, solely because I read the entire series in one half dazed night on a flight and I had no time to think! A LOT of popular series here, and a great list! Sometimes, these characters are so cliche.

    Have an awesome week. New Follower!

    Aditi @

    1. Yes, even with her being irritating, I somehow was addicted and wanted to know what was gonna happen next! It was like watching a train wreck. Thank you! :)

  5. I disagreed with every single one of these :p But I have seen most of them on A LOT of lists this week, so at least you aren't alone in your dislike :)

    My TTT.

    1. Hahahaha thats so weirdly awesome. You're one tough cookie to read through my bashings, especially of America, and come out being super nice. I'd be internally screaming profanities! But thank you for commenting, I'll definitely check yours out! :)

    2. You're like my 40th list to read through, so I am pretty zen about it now :p In the beginning I was getting so angry, but now I can kind of try and understand how characters I love aren't characters that everyone loves! Especially when the list maker gives out such well thought out reasons for the dislike! As for America, I didn't love her, but I didn't hate her. And I have only read the first book and have heard awful things about her in the next two books, so while my limited experience has me disagreeing, I can see how in the future I might agree with you :p

    3. That's exactly how I am, too! I try to actually understand where they're coming from, and most of the time I can understand how, in a parallel universe, I wouldn't like that character either. And ah yeah, I felt that way about America too, in the first book. If you don't want to ruin that perfect image then don't read The Elite. She's insufferable.

    4. That's most of the reason why I haven't continued on! It's so hard to want to deal with her being so awful :p

  6. Katniss and America. AMEN! Both of them annoy me. Though America less so somehow. I didn't care much for her but I hate her because her drama overshadows the best aspect of the book.

  7. Tris was on my list this week too!
    My TTT:

  8. This is why I love book blogging so much – we all have different opinions and this gives us a great way to discuss and debate those differing opinions. For me personally, I absolutely adored Katniss & Kestrel, but I can definitely see where you’re coming from. I definitely agree with you about America & Tris though. ;) Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous post!

    ~ Zoe @ Stories on Stage

    1. Thank you, Zoe! I know, debating and mulling things over is such a great experience. I personally love it, since it opens my eyes to new ideas :)

  9. HAHHHH YES. Alina CHOSE WRONG OMG. I don't even understand how she chose wrong. mY MIND BOGGLES. #TeamNikolai Ahem. And I have to say though....I love Katniss! And I think I wouldn't be smiling if I was living in Panem either, tbh?!
    America didn't do much for me, aaaand. I didn't understand Tris. I didn't really understand her and Four's relationship either. D:
    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

    1. TEAM NIKOLAI FOR LIFE. I heard that Bardugo was considering writing a spin-off book or series from his POV...? If that happened I would probably drop dead from being so happy. I get you on the Katniss thing, Panem is the last place on earth I would want to be, but there was something missing with her. I couldn't connect.
      YES, Tris and Four didn't make much sense to me either! Allegiant was a hot mess, holy guacamole.
