
Saturday, March 19, 2016

This or that booktag!

Hi guys! I've been reading really slowly lately, so, instead of neglecting my blog like I've done in the past, I decided to do a tag! I first found this on Geraldine's blog, Corralling Books, who is a total sweetheart and you should definitely go give her follow :)
So without further ado, here's the this or that book tag! 

Reading on the couch or in bed?
Definitely the couch! I like to sit in the corner seat so I have the armrest to rest my hand and book on. I can't do that on my bed. It always bothers my mom, since she likes to take the corner seat to watch her tv shows and I always end up beating her to it hehe.

Male or female main character?
Female! Obviously I can relate more to them, though I'm waiting for that one female character to ACTUALLY HAVE HER PERIOD. Or even a pimple! I do enjoy reading from a guy sometimes, especially the nerdy ones who are awkward around girls and think the funniest shit.

Sweet or salty snacks?
Definitely sweet. Chocolate covered raisins somehow appear at my side whenever I'm reading, which is both pleasing and annoying.

Trilogies or quartets?
Quartets! It's so difficult to wrap up a trilogy completely, and since I'm so picky on endings I say "write more!!!" Unless you're Tahereh Mafi.  Than you can keep writing beautiful trilogies with amazing endings. 

First person point of view or third?
You know... I really don't have a preference! Both are totally fine with me. 

Reading at night or in the morning?
Morning's all the way! I'm so not a night reader, since I get tired around 8:30  and am passed out by 9:30 (total grandma right here),  so mornings and afternoons are my reading time. 

Libraries or bookstores?
Both! Bookstores are for new releases or physical copies, and the library is for that one book where you want to read, but could care less if you own a copy or not. And then if I do love the book, then I go to the bookstore and get a copy. I just started using my library again and bless it's beautiful soul. FREE BOOKS!

Character driven or plot driven storylines?
Always and forever character driven plots.  The characters are the soul of the story. Obviously a good plot is ideal, but if you've got an amazing plot line but dull characters, it won't hold your interest. Characters make you laugh and cry and scream and throw things and jump for joy. 

I tag anyone that wants to do this! Happy readings :)


  1. Yay, I'm so happy you did this tag, Mariah! :D
    It's so cool to see your answers - I think we're about 1/2 similar? The others are complete opposites haha :D For example, I'm so glad to hear that you also think that characters are the heart and soul of books - I can't keep focused on the book if I don't like the characters/find them dull!
    And I love that you mentioned how you've yet to come across a girl who has her period or a pimple yet! I think in contemporary books I've found one or two... but definitely not so much in adventure/action/fantasy books! Even then, in contemporary novels, it's skimmed over!

  2. I love this tag it's very fun looking! BTW, I tagged you in the Dragon Loyalty Award Tag:

  3. Read Fire by Kristin Cashore - she has her period...more than once!
    (also, it's one of my favorite books and its amazing)

    1. Woohoo! I'll definitely have to check that out, thank you :)
