
Monday, February 1, 2016

Happy Monday!

Hi guys! I accomplished last week's task of asking my teachers if I could take final exams early since "I'll be on family vacation", a.k.a going to BEA, and they all said yes! SO BEA IS OFFICIAL, WOOHOO! Not only am I excited because, hello, IT'S BEA, but it'll be in my hometown of Chicago and I've been so homesick lately. It's going to be so great to be back! The amount of book pictures I'll be taking on my phone is going to be ridiculous.

Read Last Week
Chasing Spring by R.S. Grey
The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
Map of Fates by Maggie Hall

Caretaker and Guardians by Josi Russell

Happy readings! :)


  1. I hope you have fun at BEA! Your teachers are awesome for letting you take exams early. I'm excited to see all of your pictures!

  2. YAY FOR BEA! I'm glad you're going to be able to go. It's quite an experience :)
