
Thursday, February 11, 2016

GUARDIANS by Josi Russell

GUARDIANS by Josi Russell
Publisher: Future House Publishing
Publication Date: February 11th, 2016
Pages: 467
Song I Played While Reading: Greyhound by Swedish House Mafia
Rating: 5 stars

Trapped on a hostile planet.

Life on Minea isn’t all that the shiny brochures back on Earth promised the passengers of Ship 12-22. In order to survive, most of the population must slave away in the dark, unforgiving caverns of the Yyinum mines. 
Ethan’s position as governor proves to be less effective than he hoped as he clashes with the power-hungry companies that control the planet. While on a surveying ship, Ethan and the crew crash-land into the cavernous depths beneath the Karst Mountains, where a maze of tunnels and slew of fatal dangers block their journey home.
Above ground, a deadly epidemic sweeps the planet, and Ethan’s wife, Aria, is torn between searching the mountains for him and finding a cure. When a mysterious craft appears in the sky, Kaia and her father, Admiral Phillip Reagan, must prepare for a battle with a species they know nothing about.

As their world descends into chaos, can these self-appointed guardians bring hope of survival to Minea?

I'd like to thank Future House Publishing for sending me this novel in exchange for an honest review.

Wow, wow, WOW! That's literally all I can think right now. I thought CARETAKER was complex and intriguing, but GUARDIANS takes it to a whole new level. 
This was fanfuckingtastic. Russell pours her heart and soul into this incredible story, and it really shines through. Her characters are compassionate and have a startling amount of depth. The world is intricate and complex and rich in detail. For someone like me, who likes reading about the history of a world and everything there is to know about it's government, military, people, economy, and basically everything that makes up a country or planet... this was crazy delicious. 
As before, I had no idea where the plot line was going. It was so beautifully done, with a storyline that kept me hooked. Who's this new alien race? Where is this epidemic coming form? Why is there no cure? What's gonna happen to Ethan and the crew that crash-landed? There is so much more to GUARDIANS than just that, as well, which I loved. Keeping a summary a little vague gives the book so much more appeal when you're reading it and realizing how much they left out. It hooks you in! Everything was tied together flawlessly. I did struggle to push through in the beginning, but once I hit that 20% mark I was a goner. Donezo.
Russell's writing was also more developed and eloquent, which really made her characters stand out. Ethan and Kaia had that spark I felt they lacked in CARETAKER, and it made me care for them so much. I also ADORED Aria. Scratch that, I adored everyone, especially their children. I wish I could've pinched Rigel's cheeks! 
Everything was tied up nicely, all my questions answered, which is an incredible feat, considering this intricate storyline. Overall, besides the slow beginning, this was stunning! I highly, highly recommend picking these two books up. 

Both Caretaker and Guardians are $0.99 between now and February 17th on Amazon, so this is the perfect time to read it!

Future House Publishing is also hosting two giveaways, one through Goodreads on February 15th, and a rafflecopter for 5 signed copies of Guardians and an audiobook of Caretaker. Here's the link to their websites! 
"It's just hard to compete with the Crystal Cavern," Ethan responded.
"That maybe have been the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." The wonder of it still resounded in Traore's voice.
"Not me," Ndaiye countered. "Sara is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Especially when she comes in from the Food Production Division and takes her hair down outta her helmet. Mmmmm," he sighed appreciatively."

"So we let them stay? It will be a war, Ethan. You realize that? A war with an opponent I can't even fathom. People will die."
Ethan looked him levelly in the eye. "We're all going to die, Phillip. Nobody knows that better than you and me." There was such a depth of pain in Ethan's eyes that Reagan had to look away to hold his own emotions in check. "We're all going to die, so we'd better live well while we have the chance." 

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