
Monday, January 4, 2016

Top ten resolutions I have for 2016!

This meme is hosted by the lovely ladies at The Broke and the Bookish :)

Read more historical fiction
I adore historical fiction. I love reading about the small, inconsequential things that most people claim are "super boring". I love history, seeing how people grew up or how the town they lived in was formed and who the king and queen are and how they came to be and what they do in their free time and what countries they are friendly with and what countries they aren't friendly with. As you can see, I'm talking about old historical fiction, preferable anything before the 1900's. I swear I was born in the wrong time zone.
Two prime examples of my obsession are The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen and The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett. There is sooooooooOOOOOOOO much background info on the country and people and it's absolutely glorious. I'm nosy, what can I say?

Read all the books on my kindle
This may sound crazy to some people but I only have 6 books on there that I haven read yet. I've got: The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater
Gateway to Fourline by Pam Brondos
Addicted to You by Krista and Becca Ritchie
Command Me by Geneva Lee
Alienated by Melissa Landers
Embers by Karen Ann Hopkins
If I manage to finish all the books on my TBR for this month I'll pick one from here!

Make a decent dent in my physical TBR pile
My TBR, compared to some people, is tame. I probably have 40 books, maybe less. But it grows. Almost everyday. It's alarming. My mom is actually worried. I'm worried it'll take over my room because I've outgrown the small bookshelf I've had for it. Pretty soon I won't be able to lay on my damn bed.

Loosing Hope, Slammed, Point of Retreat, and Confess. I'M READY FOR MORE PAAAIIIINNNNNN!

Finish cataloging all the books I have and their appointed songs
I bought this GORGEOUS paperweight journal with gold detailing on the front to catalog all my books and I NEEEEEED to post a picture of it. It's seriously one of the most beautiful journals I've ever seen.

And that's it! I don't have many, since I don't like pressuring myself. If I overdue it, it tends to have the opposite effect and I unconsciously end up screwing up my goals. What're your resolutions for this year? Link your post down in the comments! :)


  1. Queen of the Tearling is an Amazing book! When I read your 'read every book on your kindle' resolution I freaked out hahaha of course I calmed down when I continued reading but gosh you have done well, I dont think I could ever read every book on my kindle. Also your journal interests me greatly, I am a sucker for journals. Great list :)

    1. Yes, I love meeting fellow Tearling fans!! I can't wait for the final book, even though I'm gonna be so sad that it's over. And hahaha I know, I only ever get books on my kindle when they're either $1.99 or free, which thankfully isn't often. Thank you!<3

  2. Great resolutions! I love historical fiction, but haven't read to much of it lately myself. I think we're all hoping to make dents in our TBR. I think it's a goal every single bookish person makes every year. It's an ongoing battle! Wrestle with the TBR!

    Good luck to you and a very happy Bookish New Year! Auggie's TTT

    1. Ah yes, it is. Nothing brings us so much joy yet so much stress than our TBR pile. Thank you! :)

  3. Reading all of the books on your kindle is a goal I have too. haha It's so easy to have the digital books pileup! lol Good luck to you!

    1. Right? One click and they're on your kindle, it's a little frightening! Thank you, you too! :)

  4. I also need to tackle my TBR! There are books on there from 2014! :|
    Good Luck!

    My TTT! :D

    1. SAME! Granted, it's only two books, but still. It's embarrassing. Like damn, I was excited for those books at one point, why can't I pick them up already?!

  5. OMG, you only have 6 unread books on your Kindle?!? I wish! LOL, I think between iBooks, Kindle, and my Nook apps I have over 60 :( Maybe if you pick a month to read only them, you'll knock them right out. I'm giving myself until June. *fingers crossed*

    1. That's a genius idea! I don't know why I didn't think of that. I'm crossing my fingers for you!<3

  6. Good luck on all your 2016 resolutions!
    My TTT:
