
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Top ten 2015 releases I meant to get to but didn't!

This meme is hosted by the lovely ladies at The Broke and the Bookish :)

It's so weird how I can be super excited for these releases, yet once they do finally come, I'm distracted by something else! I've got most of these on my physical TBR shelf, so cross your fingers that I pick these up by the end of this year! What 2015 releases did you mean to get to but didn't? Link your post down in the comments! :)


  1. Wonderful list of books you still need to get to. I have read a few of these myself - PS I Still Love You, Miss Mayhem and 99 Days. I enjoyed PS I Still Love You, but I admit to enjoying the first book more. I was a little disappointed with Miss Mayhem, it just didn't seem anywhere near as good as Rebel Belle. I don't even want to get started on 99 Days, I had so many issues with that book. Hopefully you do better with all of them, haha! A lot of the others are ones I still want to get to in 2016 myself.

    I hope you manage to get to some of these soon, and that you enjoy them :) Here's my TTT, if you want to check out my list.

    1. Honestly that's why I haven't started Miss Mayhem yet! I'm obsessed with Rebel Belle and hate to be disappointed :( and oh god I hope I like 99 days more than you, hahaha. Thank you!<3

  2. I've been meaning to read Rebel Belles since before it was published, and now there's a sequel out... yikes! I'm falling behind. I loved Saint Anything, it's the best book by Sarah Dessen yet!

    Here's a link to my blog if you want to check it out:

    1. That always happens to me, too! I want to read a book, but never get around to doing it and the sequel comes out and I feel all panicky. And I'm so glad to hear that! I can't wait to read Saint Anything :) Thank you!<3
