
Monday, December 14, 2015

Top ten(ish) favorite books of 2015!

(I apologize for the squished covers!)
This meme is hosted by the lovely ladies at The Broke and the Bookish :)

I'm actually currently reading The Crimson Crown but I know it's going to destroy me just like the rest of these books have. If I had to pick my ULTIMATE favorite one... probably Queen of Shadows, even with all the issues I had with it. Throne of Glass and the characters are imbedded so deeply into my soul that there's no way it wouldn't ever be a favorite of mine, even with THE BLATANT DISRESPECT OF CHAOL AND HIS CHARACTER ARC, ALONG WITH THE WAY SJM MADE CELAENA SARDOTHIEN TO BE AN EVIL CHARACTER. *coughs* 

What were your favorites of 2015? What was your number ONE favorite? Link your post down in the comments! :)


  1. It would be completely impossible to narrow down my favorite reads this year to ONE favorite book! I like them all for such different reasons/moods.

    So much hype for Six of Crows! People say it's even better than the Grisha series (which was awesome), so it had better be great :)

    1. It really is impossible! But you can't compete with Throne of Glass for me, I'm head over heels in love with that series :) And yes, the hype is REAL and totally deserving since it's amazing. I wouldn't necessarily say it's better than the Grisha trilogy, since it has such different plot lines, plus Nikolai Lantsov is one of my all time favorite male characters. I think they're both equally fantastic!

  2. Wow. You've read a great selection of books! I adore the Throne of Glass trilogy. :-)

  3. Great selection, I've read about half and some of the others are on my TBR.
    MY TTT:Marie @ Pages to Explore

  4. I was so desperate for Winter all year but now I dont want it to end so I have been avoiding the book. I need to hurry up and take the plunge!

    1. Hahaha that's what I'm doing now with The Crimson Crown. It's the final book in a series and I had to force myself yesterday not to finish it just so I could postpone the hurt.

  5. I love your list also like the (ish) part lol. So many great books some of them I'm totally on board with others I have on my shelf but haven't picked up yet (seriously it's a habit)! Might have to step up my 2016 game with so many amazing books I need to start/finish!

    1. I feel the same way with other people's lists! Thank you :)

  6. Love yout list!! I somehow forgot to include Tahereh Mafi in my list. Oops!
    Also, I need to read Six of Crows because EVERYONE is loving it!

    Thanks for stopping by @TheHappyReader! :D
    P.S. I am slightly obsessed with your blog+instagram feed! I just clicked follow :D

  7. I haven't read Queen of Shadows yet, and now I'm afraid to. Maybe Someday almost made it to my list, too.
