
Monday, December 21, 2015

Top ten books I wouldn't mind Santa leaving under my tree this year!

This meme is hosted by the lovely ladies at The Broke and the Bookish :)

I made this list into a "c'mon Santa, you can pull any book out of your ass, even if they aren't released yet" situation. I think I was pretty damn good this year, if I do say so myself. Clearly I need to work on my swearing, but that's beside the point. Some of these I'm actually hoping to get since I gave my mom a list and a couple of these were on there, like Beautiful Bastard and Uprooted. Cross your fingers!! 

What books are you hoping to get? Leave your post down in the comments! And Happy Holidays to everyone, I hope you get all that you wished for :) 


  1. I loved Colleen Hoover's Slammed Series. That is probably my favorite of her books. Great list, Mariah! :)
    My TTT

    1. I'm SO incredibly excited to start it! It was on my legit wish list so let's hope I get it *crosses my fingers and toes* Thank you!<33

  2. I bought UPROOTED for my daughter for Christmas. i hope she likes it. I usually wait until books are available at the library. My TTT, I'm off the board.

  3. Nice list. Uprooted wasn't on my list, but it should have been. Wishing you a good amount of bookish loot. Merry Christmas.

  4. I also asked for one which wasn't released yet so I guess we both hope Santa has some kind of magical powers we don't know about. I did request mine on Netgalley so I am hoping he at least has an insider there. Nice list and Happy Holidays!

    1. Here's to hoping you get that early copy!! Thank you :)

  5. I also want The Raven King. I started the series earlier this year, but need to finish it. I'm excited for Lady Midnight as well. Great list!

    1. Same! The Raven Boys is such an interesting series, I'm so sad it's ending only when I've just started it. Thank you! :)

  6. I hope you get some of these for Christmas. Merry Christmas!
    My TTT:
