
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

December wrap-up!

Anddddd just like that December, and 2015, is coming to a close. A year has never flown by so fast for me. I wont get into all the sappy details of 2015 (I'm saving that for my year wrap-up post), but just know this was a year of firsts for me in so many things!
I managed to knock out 10 books, which I'm pretty damn proud of, and they were all basically fanfuckingtastic. They were all rated 3 stars or more, which is crazy awesome. Let's get into it!

- Legacy of Kings by Eleanor Herman

- Vengeance Road by Erin Bowman

- The Demon King, The Exiled Queen, The Gray Wolf Throne, and The Crimson Crown by Cinda Williams Chima

- Elementals: Prophecy of the Shadows by Michelle Madow

- Did I Mention I Lvoe You? by Estelle Maskame

- The Onyx Vial by Alexis Lampley, aka a fantastic story a friend of mine wrote and I was lucky enough to beta read (which isn't obviously shown)

- Beautiful Bastard by Christina Lauren

My favorite had to be between Did I Mention I Love You? and the entire Seven Realms series. THEY'RE BOTH SO GOOD!

Happy readings and HAPPY NEW YEAR!<33

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