
Thursday, September 24, 2015

Underhyped Recommendation: The Dark Divine trilogy

The Dark Divine trilogy by Bree Despain 

Grace Divine, daughter of the local pastor, always knew something terrible happened the night Daniel Kalbi disappeared--the night she found her brother Jude collapsed on the porch, covered in his own blood--but she has no idea what a truly monstrous secret that night held.
The memories her family has tried to bury resurface when Daniel returns, three years later, and enrolls in Grace and Jude's high school. Despite promising Jude she'll stay away, Grace cannot deny her attraction to Daniel's shocking artistic abilities, his way of getting her to look at the world from new angles, and the strange, hungry glint in his eyes.
The closer Grace gets to Daniel, the more she jeopardizes her life, as her actions stir resentment in Jude and drive him to embrace the ancient evil Daniel unleashed that horrific night. Grace must discover the truth behind the boy's dark secret...and the cure that can save the ones she loves. But she may have to lay down the ultimate sacrifice to do it--her soul.

Before we get started, let's appreciate these covers. Just... yes. This is how it's done. I'm a wee bit miffed at the font change in the last one, but at least the girl in the dress is the same. SERIOUSLY WHY DID THEY CHANGE THE FONT?? EVER HEARD OF FUNG SHUI? MY SHELVES ARE CRYING. 
Now, onto the story! I loooooved these books. Not only for their gorgeous covers, but for their content. Grace Divine (I literally wanted to name my child that) was the perfect role model for any girl dealing with her type of paranormal situation. She was kind and studious and thoughtful and just an all-around great girl. I remember at one point being so inspired by her ability to still be able to do homework and study, though her entire life was turning upside down. But that doesn't mean she's a boring character! She's got a feisty side to her, one that is fiercely protective of her family and friends. 
Honestly, this whole series was incredibly fun, but dark enough where it didn't feel like total fluff. Daniel was smokin' (as they always are), and the plot, though running along the same lines as most paranormal novels, was fresh and original in it's content as we progressed in the books. I loved everyone's character development, and thought the ending was super satisfying. It's rare for me to feel that way, since there's always something stopping me from fully liking it, even if it is the tiniest issue, so I can stamp the approval for a solid ending on this one. 
Steamy romance, engaging plot, vivid characters, and GORGEOUS covers make this trilogy the perfect package! 

(Pictures from Goodreads)


  1. Oh my gosh the font changes on the cover made me so mad! I really enjoyed these books, too. Great to see them getting some love.

    1. Right?! It's like they couldn't have kept the same font for the LAST book? Glad you enjoyed this series! :)

  2. Absolutely LOVE this trilogy but I like nobody else reads them!
