
Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Badlands Book Tag

This was created by Charnell from Reviews from a Bookworm :)

Hi guys! An email popped in from a subscription I have to one of my favorite bloggers (Faiths Bookspiration, check her out!) yesterday, and I almost squealed when I read the headline. Halsey has become one of my all time favorite singers, and Badlines is incredible. It's rare for me to like every song on an album, so I of course had to go out and buy the actual CD. Her lyrics are raw and gritty and so incredibly real and relatable that it's creepy. Some of my favorites are Coming Down, Gasoline, Castle, Young God, and Colors, but seriously ALL her songs are amazing. Those just happen to be the ones I have memorized. 
I'm seeing her in concert in December and I'm SOOOOO excited!! She's opening for The Weeknd (another incredible singer/rapper who you should listen to ASAP) and I snagged some tickets for my friend and I to go for her birthday. EEEEEP!

1. Castle

"Sick of all these people talking, sick of all this noise"

Choose a book that has hype surrounding it that you wish you didn't have to hear about.

I dont understand WHAT people see in this. This whole series has gotten such rave reviews and I was so damn excited to start it. But once I did I felt like chucking it at the wall because angst. overload. This sort of unstable relationship is one I try to stay away from, and I wish I had known it had been like this before I wasted my time reading it. And then I tortured myself by reading (well, skimming, really) Walking Disaster and WHAT WAS I THINKING? 

"I'm headed straight for the castle.
They wanna make me their queen"

Choose a 2016 release that you think will be "the next big thing"

This was SO difficult. There are so many new and amazing-sounding books coming out in 2016, and I was literally breaking a sweat trying to figure out which one to use. I decided to do Heartless by Marissa Meyer, which is the story of The Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland, but before she was queen and instead engaged to The King of Hearts. The hype surrounding her Lunar Chronicles series is insane (it's on my TBR, DONT JUDGE) so I figured Meyer is gonna wipe the floor with our feelings on this one, too. 

2. Hold Me Down

"Throw me in the deep end, watch me drown."

What's a book that made you drown in the feels?

I wasn't expecting the feels that came with this book. And by feels I mean the breakdown I had. It came out of left field, smashing into me and ripping my heart to shreds. What happened wasn't even that sad, but it was so shocking and sudden that my heart just cracked in half and I was a goner. These two ladies have incredible writing, CURSE YOU FOR MAKING ME CRY.

3. New Americana

"But he could never love somebody's daughter"

Choose a favorite LGBT character.

I couldn't not choose my cinnamon roll. Ronan Lynch is my child and I will protect him at all costs. He deserve the kiss he so desperately wants from you-know-who, plus more. C'MON STIEFVATER.

"We know very well who we are,
so we hold it down when summer starts."

Choose a character who is deceptive about their identity. 

I mean really. Is this not the biggest deception in YA history? I was in a daze for days after this, totally mind blown. 

4. Drive

"All we do is think about the feelings that we hide."

Choose a character that tries to push away their feelings in an attempt to protect themselves or others.

WILL HERONDALE IS MY FUCKIN CINNAMON APPLE. Seriously this poor, beautiful soul pushes everyone away so they won't get hurt. It was so sad. 


"... would it really kill you if we kissed."

Choose a fictional character that you would kiss if they showed up at your doorstep.

My boyfriend Chaolrowandaemonnikolairhysandtamlinwillliamthedarklingwarnerganseyevan :))))) 

5. Hurricane

"And there's a storm you're starting now."

Choose a book/series that grabbed you from the get-go

Even though the world was a little hard to digest in the beginning, I was insanely curious about Karou. The blue hair, scars, tattoo's, drawings... I was hooked from page one. There's nothing I love more than a mysterious and cunning heroine. 

"Don't belong to no city, don't belong to no man."

Choose one of your favorite strong female leads.

Please don't make me pick.

6. Roman Holiday

"We'll be lacing the same shoes we've worn through."

Choose a concept that has been used many times (good or bad).

I'm gonna go with a personal favorite: supernatural powers. Bring on the crazy X-Men-like shit. BRING IT.
(My favorites are Red Queen, The Lux series, The Darkest Minds trilogy, The Grisha trilogy, Shatter Me trilogy, and so on. LOVE ME SOME COOL POWERS.)

"Keep close, stand tall."

Choose a fandom you will always stand by despite the hate.

CHAOLAENA/ ROWAELIN FOR LIFE. Don't ask me how I ship her with both of them but I do. And now that Throne of Glass has been optioned for TV (!!!!!!), there's probably going to be lots of hate. BUT I'LL ALWAYS STAND BY MY LEADING LADY, SARAH J. MAAS.

7. Ghost

"I'm searching for something that I can't reach."

Choose a book/series that missed the mark for you.

Nope. When I finished The Winners Curse I actually thought I had read a different book than everybody else. It's so boring. 

8. Colors

"You ripped at every edge but you're a masterpiece."

Choose a book/series that ripped your heart into a million pieces but you still love it because it's a literal masterpiece.



9. Strange Love

"That's the beauty of a secret,
you know you're supposed to keep it."

A book/series that you got spoiled for.

I bet if you look at the reviews for Allegiant on Goodreads it'll still be there, glaringly obvious. Some idiot posted a review on there, which consisted of a simple question. A question that pertained to why Roth did what she did at the end. It took a full minute for it to sink in, and then I was in denial until I actually read it. 

10. Coming Down

"I'm such a fool to pay this price." 

Choose a book that you bought but as soon as you started reading it you regretted the purchase. 

I swear I contemplated dropping this book on my face and suffocating myself. I have no idea what the hell people see in this story, but it was absolutely awful. I pushed 150 pages before I had to quit. I just as easily could've bought Anna and the French Kiss instead. WHAT A WASTE OF MONEY. 

11. Haunting

"... I've been cold since the day you left."

Choose a book/series that made you numb when you read it.

I felt so many emotions and cried so hard while reading this that my brain just exploded by the time I finished it. I was done. I laid on the couch and snuggled with QoS for about an hour, staring at the wall. Then I went to bed and still had a puffy face the next day. 

12. Gasoline

"... saying that you shouldn't waste your pretty face like me."

Choose a book that has a gorgeous cover but you disliked the actual content. 

For reals this cover is stunning. But the story.. not so much. It was a little boring, and then outright shocking with the twist. But as the story settled, I got annoyed. I didn't like the way Oliver had wrapped everything up and felt like she had just gotten lazy and scrambled to find something that made some sense. Maybe if I hadn't read a book that had a smiler ending before this than I probably would've been kneeling at her feet in amazement. But I did, so it felt like a copy cat. 

13. Control

"And all the kids cried out,
"Please stop, you're scaring me.""

Choose a book that scared you. (Or if you're a wimp and don't read scary books like your's truly, then choose a book that creeped you out)

This book creeped me the frick out. And confused me a little. And made me scream internally because Noah Fucking Shaw. But mostly it scared the living poo outta me. 

14. Young God

"And I've been sitting at the bottom of the swimming pool for a while now."

Choose a book/series that you think needs more recognition. 

International escapade? Check.
Hot guys? Check.
A secret society that has a hand in every single thing that occurs in the world? Check.
Writing that makes you feel like you're actually there in the scenes with the characters? Check.

Here, I'll do all the work for you. BUY IT.

15. Walk The Line

"You've got a way to keep me on your side."

An author that keeps you coming back for more. 

Cassandra Clare and Sarah J. Maas<33