
Monday, September 7, 2015

Ten Finished Series I have YET to Finish (TTT)

This meme is hosted by the lovely ladies at The Broke and the Bookish :)

1. The Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy by Laini Taylor
I have no idea what happened here. I remember finishing Days of Blood and Starlight and being absolutely ravenous for the final book. I was (am?) obsessed with the world and writing and I know for a fact it's amazing. I loved Karou and thought she was so fierce and independent and badass. But something I've noticed with some series; if I have to wait long enough, I fall out of love with it. Or rather, I forget. I forget how amazing it is and it's pretty sad. With some series, like Throne of Glass, it's 24/7 love for me. My love for it grows and grows each day, and I always think about it at some point. I have no idea what the difference is, but clearly Daughter of Smoke and Bone didn't stick like ToG did. BUT, I have Dreams of Gods and Monster on in TBR jar and I will read it this year. I SWEAR.

2. The Unrememberd trilogy by Jessica Brody
Another forgot-how-amazing-this-is-but-will-read-it-this-year.  *shrugs* TBR JAR FOR THE WIN.

3. The Gone series by Michael Grant 
I haven't read the last two in this series, and I really, really, really, hope they have Fear and Light printed with these covers. I like my books to match!

4. The Need series by Carrie Jones
CURSE MY INABILITY TO READ THE LAST BOOKS IN A SERIES! *shakes fist angrily in the air*

5. Across the Universe series by Beth Ravis
Excuse me while I go vomit at this cover change. Who in their right mind would think, "Hmm, let's change these beautiful covers and instead make them ugly and dirty and not at ALL relating to the story??" Across the Universe is one of the most stunning covers I've ever seen and I picked this up because of the cover. Whoever decided that should be fired. 

6. The Nevermore trilogy by Kelly Creagh
If anyone here is an Edgar Allen Poe fan, than I recommend picking this up! At least the first book (I haven't read the last two). It's extremely creepy and otherworldly and dark. I loved it! So why haven't you finished it, Mariah...? The world may never know.

7. The Reboot Duology by Amy Tintera
I wasn't overly thrilled with Reboot, but it bugs me that I haven't read Rebel simply because it's one book, and I know I can push through it and cross this off my never ending list of series I haven't finished. 

8. The House of Night series by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
I'm only posting the first 3 books since this is a whopping 12 book series. I'm hesitant to try and finish this for many reasons; first, it's going to take f o r e v e r. I have to reread all the books since that's just what I do when I want to finish a series, plus I've forgotten everything. Second, the few things I do remember of this series is how immature and indecisive the main character is. She's like America Singer on crack. At one point, she had three boyfriends. THREE. And she just acted like a total brat sometimes and didn't think about anyone but herself. She gets better as the books progress, but those first 4 are going to be tough.

9. The Madman's Daughter trilogy by Megan Shepherd
It's on my TBR, people. IT'LL HAPPEN.

10. The Scarlett Wakefield series by Lauren Henderson
The only reason why I haven't read Kiss of Death is because I honestly forgot about this series. I read this so long ago that it just was another book on my shelf. Before I rearranged my books, this was shoved in the corner with my other older books, so once I moved out here and saw this, I thought, "Shit, I actually enjoyed this story, let's go and buy the final book!" It was an added bonus that it was $3 on Book Depository!

Not too shabby! I actually don't have that many unfinished series. I had written a list a couple years ago and had knocked most of them off, so now I just have these stragglers. Maybe this'll be one of my new years resolutions! 

What series have you not finished yet? Link your post down in the comments! :)


  1. Who would even know that Shades of Earth was part of that same series?! Crazy.

    Here's my Top Ten Series I've YET to Finish!

    1. Exactly! I wouldn't. Can't wait to read yours :)

  2. I totally agree about the cover change with Across the Universe. Its one of the reasons I didn't finish the series. Happy readings :)

    My TTT

    1. I just wanna smack the person who decided to change it. It's so sad. Can't wait to read yours :)

  3. That last cover in the Beth Revis series IS so drastic and disappointing! Totally agree! My TTT

  4. The third nevermore novel just came out, I can't believe I forgot to put it on my list. I really want to read it.
    My ttt

  5. Great list! I really want to read The Unrememberd trilogy, I have book one just haven't cracked it open yet!
    Happy Reading!
    Here’s mine, please feel free to read it!

    1. It's pretty good! The second one is better, so if you aren't too crazy over Unremembered, hold out till the second one :) Thanks for commenting! Can't wait to read yours!
