
Monday, September 14, 2015

Happy Monday!

Hi! How are you guys? I'm so happy it's a new week. I had a crazy two weeks at work, plus there was  this festival I went too with my friend over the weekend, and my sleeping schedule got hugely messed up. I went from going to bed at 9:30 to midnight, ouch. So I'm soaking up these three days off I have from work, with no goals except to finish Queen of Shadows. I'm weirdly... mute about it. I thought for sure I would burst into tears the second I started reading it, but it's like my emotions got vacuumed into a small corner of my heart and I'm all cold and clinical. Don't get my wrong, I LOVE it, absolutely, but some of the characters are just a little different from HoF and it's not sitting right with me.
ANYWAYS, that doesn't matter because I'm only a 100 pages into it and who knows what crazy shit happens. ON TO THE BLOG POST.

Read Last Week
Loosing Lila by Sarah Alderson

Currently Reading
Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas

To Read
I had planned on reading something, but I want to fish a book out of my TBR jar since I haven't done that in a while. So it's a mystery!

Happy readings :)

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