
Thursday, July 23, 2015

Underhyped Recommendation: The Strange Angels series

The Strange Angels series by Lili St. Crow

Dru Anderson has what her grandmother called “the touch.” (Comes in handy when you’re traveling from town to town with your dad, hunting ghosts, suckers, wulfen, and the occasional zombie.) Then her dad turns up dead—but still walking—and Dru knows she’s next. Even worse, she’s got two guys hungry for her affections, and they’re not about to let the fiercely independent Dru go it alone. Will Dru discover just how special she really is before coming face-to-fang with whatever—or whoever— is hunting her?

That's a pretty pathetic summary, if I do say so myself. This series, though dealing with the usual amount of otherworldly creates, is really unlike anything I've ever read before. The only comparison I can really make is with Dru- she reminds me a little of Katniss Everdeen. She's shoved into this situation because of a family member, wants absolutely nothing to do with the opposite sex, and becomes this symbol of hope for people when really all she wants to do is run away from it all and lay low for the rest of her life. I think the thing that bothers me the most about the summary is the love triangle part. When I say she wants nothing to do with the opposite sex, I mean NOTHING happens until at least the third book. The romance takes a back seat in this story, popping its head out and making everyone super uncomfortable, so really nothing concrete happens until the last two books. Dru is as independent as they come, so if you're into to that kind of narrator then this is totally for you.
If I were to pick a word to describe this series, it would be raw. Crow keeps things pretty honest and open about what its like to be in Dru's situation, and theres no fluff. It's hard to describe unless you've read it, but its just... real. Theres no sugar coating what its like to be homeless, or to be fighting monsters, or to not have access to a shower for a couple of days. If you like action-packed, no-nonsense books with a strong female lead, then I think you'll really like this one. Don't be discouraged if the first book doesn't hook you in, it gets better as the series progresses!
Plus this story kick-started my obsession with boys names for girls. Does Dru not sound like a badass name?!

Happy readings :) 

(Pictures and summary from Goodreads)

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