
Monday, July 27, 2015

Ten Characters Who Are Fellow Booknerds (TTT)

This meme is hosted by the lovely ladies at The Broke and the Bookish :)

1. Celaena Sardothien from the Throne of Glass series
Not only can she kick your ass into next week and look fabulous doing it, she's also an avid reader. When asked if she was lonely, she responded with "I can survive well enough on my own- if given the proper reading material." I also have that memorized, so we can all tell what I like to do in my free time. (T-MINUS 35 DAYS TIL QOS AHHHHHH)

2. Dorian Havilliard from the Throne of Glass series

(Mail exchanged between Celaena and Dorian)

Your Highness-
It has come to my attention that your library isn't a library, but rather a personal collection for only you and your esteem father to enjoy. As many of your million books seem to be present and underused, I must beg you to grant me permission to borrow a few so that they might receive the attention they deserve. Since I am deprived of company and entertainment, this act of kindness is the least someone of your importance could deign to bestow upon a lovely, miserable wretch such as I.

Yours most truly,
Celaena Sardothien

My Most True Assassin,
Enclosed are seven books from my personal library that I have recently read and enjoyed immensely. You are, of course, free to read as many of the books in the castle library as you wish, but I command you to read these first so that we might discuss them. I promise they are not dull, for I am not one inclined to sit through pages of nonsense and bloated speech, though perhaps you enjoy works and authors who think very highly of themselves. 
Most affectionately, 
Dorian Havilliard

These two are PRIME book lovers.

3. Katy Swartz from The Lux series
This ass-kicking sassmaster has a booktube channel. I would FOR SURE watch her videos!

4. Tessa Grey from The Infernal Devices series
Tessa is like a literary goddess- calm, ethereal, reads all the classics and can quote them. I find that insanely admirable because I have a love/hate relationship with the classics. I'm just imaging her and Will's library they had in their home and not so subtly tearing up. DONT LOOK AT ME.

5. Sydney Sage from the Bloodlines series
This girl is literally a walking dictionary. She's studious and insanely smart and super admirable because her love for school is eye-popping. Can I please love school like she does?! PLEASE.

6. Liesel from The Book Thief
This is the story about a girl who, you guessed it, steals books. I love, love, LOVE this book and it's made so much better with Liesel's love for reading. It was life changing!

7. Cath Avery from Fangirl
She writes fan fiction on her favorite series. HOW COOL IS SHE? THE COOLEST.

8. Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series
Does this need an explanation? No. She's probably on everyones list.

9. Madeline from Everything, Everything
This story started off by saying her entire room is white and her books are the only splash of color in there. AESTHETIC GOALS.

10. Francie Nolan from A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
"The world was hers for the reading." Francie is so cute and inspiring, I had to have her on my list. There's nothing I love more than coming-of-age stories!

I had a hard time coming up with 10! Who's on your list? Link your post in the comments :)


  1. I love that Celaena is so bookish. She's amazing! Great list. My TTT!

    1. I know, it's just like the cherry on top for how perfect she is! Thank you :) Cant wait to check out yours!

  2. I've seen a lot of Celaena but not Dorian, so kudos to you! Also, it's true, Hermione is in everyone's list (at least in the blogs I visited.)

    Check out my TTT

    1. I'm pretty sure every person's list that I've seen so far has Hermione in it. But hey, thats okay! She's a universally popular booklover. Thanks for commenting! Cant wait to read yours :)

  3. So shockingly, I totally forgot about Hermione. How can that be?? Here is my list if you want to check it out:

    1. I almost forgot her, too! She's such a deeply rooted fictional character that I had to dig around in my brain a little before I remembered her. Thanks for commenting! Cant wait to see who you put on your list :)

    *then cries* That book is gonna break me.
    But yesss, I love how much Celaena adores books. I mean, she could punch you into the middle of next week AND she loves books?! <3 Also Dorian. But Dorian is just a piece of perfection.
    Here's my TTT!

    1. I really don't think I'll live through Queen of Shadows. ITS JUST NOT POSSIBLE. Celaena is like my child and she's all grown up and ready to whoop ass and I DONT KNOW IF I'LL BE ABLE TO HANDLE IT. Deep breaths Mariah, deep breaths.
      Dorian is my other child and well, we're not going to talk about him cause you know *pulls at tight collar* *starts sweating furiously*
      Thanks for commenting! I can't wait to read your list, you're always so funny :)

  5. Yes, yes and yes to all of these! XD I still need to read The Book Thief but I will soon. someday. So many books so little time!

    1. Ah, that should be the mantra for my life. I have all the time in the world to read these books, yet I feel like I have to read them as fast as possible! The Book Thief is absolutely amazing and I'm sure you'll love it :) Thanks for commenting!

  6. Hermione's on my list (and everyone else's!), but I totally forgot Cath! I would have put Liesel on if I hadn't already had ten. Love these fictional bookworms!

    Happy TTT!

    1. They're some of my favorite gals! I'm pretty sure EVERYONE has Hermione on their list. Which is okay! She's awesome :)
