
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Top Ten Authors I REALLY Want To Meet

This meme is hosted by the lovely ladies at The Broke and the Bookish :)

Sarah J. Maas
WHAT I WOULDN'T DO TO MEET THIS AMAZING WOMAN!!!!! I moved to California and I was super excited because what author doesn't come here on their book tours? Apparently SJM. I was probably more depressed over this news then over Dr. Shepherd on Greys Anatomy (I'm 1000000000000000% kidding). But seriously, SJM seems like such a wonderful woman and I'm absolutely dying to wail over Chaolaena to her. And also confess my love for Rowan. And Aedion. And Dorian. And CHAOL<3333333

Jandy Nelson
This woman wields words like no other, and I NEED to meet her. In my opinion, when someone takes as long as she does to write a book, then you know they're putting their heart and soul into it. Both her novels are absolutely breathtaking. I have to tell her this! And it can only happen in person (even though I probably won't get a word out cause I'll be starstruck).

Leigh Bardugo
I know I already met her (not even a month ago) but she was THE FRIGGIN BOMB. Seriously, she's probably my favorite meet-and-greet. She was so funny and down to earth and sweet. If y'all get the chance to meet her, DO IT. And hound her about a novel from Nikolai's POV. Or The Darkling. Honestly I wouldn't mind both. 

Richelle Mead
I met her briefly at YallWest, and I mean BRIEFLY. She was already an hour over her allotted time and everyone was freaking out, so I only got to say a quick hi before she was scribbling her name into my book and my moment of glory was over. So I want to meet her again and really be able to talk to her and tell her how much Rose means to me. She's my idol, and will always hold a place in my heart. I also reeeeally want to ask her about any future books set in the VA world. I heard a rumor that she wants to write one more serious, and wouldn't mind writing it from Rose's pov again. My brain just might crack from the excitement if that were to be true. EEEEP. 

Sara Raasch
I didn't get to meet Raasch at Yallwest cause she fell ill, which was super disappointing. I loved her book, Snow Like Ashes, and had boatloads of questions for her (plus she promised me a picture because we both have colored hair!). So you guys know I'll be jumping at the first chance I get to meet her :)

Maggie Hall
First off, I looooooved her book, The Conspiracy of Us. It's a mystery with wicked cool history, steamy romance, swoon worthy backdrops (Paris? Istanbul? HELLOO), and weaved through all that are hilarious moments that lighten up the mood. Does that not sound awesome or what? PLUS, it kinda-sorta changed my life. Her novel gave me the wanderlust bug. I really hate that reference because bugs are so not okay, but I don't know how else to put it. The book was like a smack upside the head that said "HELLO? THERES A WHOLE WORLD OUT THERE. GO EXPLORE." So that's just what I'm going to be doing in July. So I want to properly thank her and tell her how amazing she is for doing that to me.

Lucy Christopher
I never really talk about this author and her book, Stolen. I'm sure you've heard of it. It's about a girl who gets kidnapped and taken away to live with her captor, and its written in the form of a letter to him. Words cannot even describe the emotional rollercoaster I went through while reading this. I fell, HARD, for the story and Ty and the way the author wrote everything. I've never cried so hard in my entire life. It was so so heartbreaking and I literally was in a daze for a solid 3 days afterwards. So I want to meet the woman that ripped my heart into shreds and tell her how amazing she is for it, and that I'll forever hold her book in the highest regards. I get goosebumps whenever I talk about this.

Alexandra Bracken
I need to meet the woman who created Liam. My sweet, southern, beautiful Liam. He is my realistic boyfriend incarnate (besides the powers of course), and I NEED TO DISCUSS HIM WITH HER. Plus I need to bring up Sparks Rise and the COMPLETELY HEARTBREAKING ENDING WE GOT THERE. Good lord. You know the author is someone to look out for when they make a novella as amazing and sad and beautiful as a full-fledged novel. 

Aaaaaaaand apparently thats it. Don't ask me why. My pot of authors-that-i'm-dying-to-meet is currently empty. 
Happy readings!


  1. Wow, I haven't read any books by the authors you've listed in your post this week... Clearly, I need to expand my reading repertoire.

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week:

    1. If you want to read more YA, then I definitely recommend these authors and their books! I'll definitely check yours out :)

  2. Sarah J Maas was on my list too! So disappointed that I can't go to her UK events this time but hopefully she'll be back!
    My TTT:

    1. I feel ya, I've missed some chances at meeting her too! I can't even imagine what I would say to her, I would be so starstruck. I'll definitely check out your list :)

  3. Yes, yes, yes - great list!! I haven't read Jandy Nelson, Lucy Christopher, or Alexandra Bracken, but I'll trust your recommendations. :) As for the rest, I would give anything to meet them face-to-face! Unfortunately, there are rarely signings/book tours where I live. I am SO jealous you've met both Leigh Bardugo and Richelle Mead (however briefly)! Super cool. P.S. LOVE your new blog design! Looks great!!

    1. Ahh, thank you! I thought it was time to freshen up my blog a little bit. Don't worry, I had the same issue back in Illinois. I lived in a small suburb and even finding a decent used book store was difficult.
