
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Descent by Tara Fuller (ARC review)

Descent by Tara Fuller
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Publication: June 2nd, 2015
Pages: 320 pages
Song I Played While Reading: Chains by Nick Jonas
Rating: 3.5 stars

Easton doesn’t believe in love. He believes in Death. Darkness. Sin. As a reaper for Hell, it’s all he’s known for over four hundred years. When he gets slapped with the job of training the boss’s daughter, an angel who knows nothing but joy, he knows he’s in for a world of trouble.
Though he’s made it clear he wants nothing to do with her outside of work, Gwen would do anything to get closer to the dark and wounded reaper—even taint her angelic image and join the ranks of her father’s team of reapers. But in all her planning, she forgot to factor in one thing—how far the demons Easton doomed to hell would go to get revenge.
When the dangers of the Hell threaten Gwen, Easton will do whatever it takes to save her. But as the darkness closes in on them both, will he be able to save himself?

Though I haven't read the first two books in this series, I was impressed with the ease at which I was able to sink into this story. Granted, they're companion novels, but still. I really enjoyed this book! 
The plot was well paced, with very few dull moments, and I found hell to be quite fascinating, albeit a little disturbing (to be expected). Fuller wrote a PG-13 Hell, highlighting the nasty side in a way where the reader wont go running to the bathroom to puke their guts up. But we still get a pretty good idea of what life in Hell would be like, and I for one would rather just be immortal. Heaven is overbearingly good and fluffy.
Easton was a smolderingly hot character and I gobbled him up. I found his backstory to be absolutely heartbreaking and just wanted to pinch his cheeks and coo that everything would be okay. Gwen definitely was the perfect girl for him, though her naiveté got on my nerves a little. Overall she was a solid character and I was impressed with her honesty, but she was too good. I'm the kinda person that would connect more with the devil (or a reaper, in this case) then an angel. Their relationship had a small case of insta-love, but nothing too major.
Scout, one of the supporting characters, was a major highlight. He was the sarcastic and goofy sidekick, and his jokes and sarcastic remarks were a much needed reprieve. The ending was satisfying, but a bit abrupt and could have been drawn out more. Overall, this was a surprisingly enjoyable read and I definitely recommend it if you've read the first two books! 

""I like to smoke. I like to eat pancakes. I like climbing into the back of a 1969 Camaro with a living girl every now and then. I don't like sweating my balls off in the pits of Hell."
In front of me, Easton looked back over his shoulder. "You don't have to be here. You could always go back and try your luck with Balthazar."
Scout glanced at me and shook his head. "I pick ball sweat." 

""I'm no expert in how all of this works, but isn't it rude to watch a girl change clothing?" I huffed, placing my hands on my hips. 
He raised a brow. "Is that what you were doing? I thought you were having a seizure." 

"Her hands slipped up my neck and into my hair, pulling me closer to Heaven, closer to my end. I would have given her the world just then if I could have. But I only had me, and if thats what she wanted, then I was hers. Completely, irreversibly hers."

""If I left you alone, your boyfriend would do unspeakable things to me," he said. "And if anyone is going to do unspeakable things to me, I'd much rather it be someone like your angel friend."

(Picture and synopsis from Goodreads)

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