
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Vanishing Girls by Lauren Oliver

Vanishing Girls by Lauren Oliver
Publisher: HarperCollins
Publication Date: March 10th, 2015
Pages: 368
Song I Played While Reading: Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift
Rating: 2.5 stars

Dara and Nick used to be inseparable, but that was before – before Dara kissed Parker, before Nick lost him as her best friend, before the accident that left Dara’s beautiful face scarred. 
Now the two sisters, who used to be so close, aren’t speaking. In an instant, Nick lost everything and is determined to use the summer to get it all back.
But Dara has other plans. When she vanishes on her birthday, Nick thinks Dara is just playing around. But another girl has vanished, too—nine-year-old Madeline Snow—and as Nick pursues her sister, she becomes increasingly convinced that the two disappearances may be linked.

didn't think it was possible for me to ever rate a Lauren Oliver book below 4 stars. But it happened. And it was a sad day. 
It was promising in the first half; Nick and Dara's relationship was complex and intriguing, and I really enjoyed all the supporting characters. Parker and Alice were my favorite. They were the comic relief, and both super sweet. Honestly I felt a little bad for Parker. Being stuck between these two sisters seemed like such a headache. 
Each chapter was a before or after, or sometimes a diary entry from the girls. Though it was a little hard to understand the timeline in the beginning since we didn't know when the accident was, and I had trouble figuring out if this was happy or sad Dara and Nick. There were also pictures, emails, and blog posts, something I always enjoy because it breaks up the dizzying array of words in a book. It makes it more realistic, especially the pictures. As always, I loved the writing, though it wasn't as strong as her other books. But thrillers usually aren't known for their lyrical and fluffy writing, so I shouldn't really complain. 
Now, the story is a little slow until the last 100 pages. And by slow, I mean the girls are living their every day lives, working and dealing with their emotional issues and ignoring each other. So I didn't mind the pace. I actually preferred that than the onslaught of information and action we got in the last section. Nothing starts really connecting and making sense until Nick starts hunting for information, and shit just gets weirder and weirder until it all explodes in our faces.
I should've seen the twist coming. The instant I read it, I groaned and thought "Of course!". And the only reason why it bothered me was because I had read something similar in January. And for me, its such a huge revelation and completely changes the story that, I cant read it twice without thinking the second person ripped off the idea. Which I know is ridiculous, but the thought won't leave my head. And the more I think about it, the more completely unrealistic it seems. Theres no way this could go on for months and no one would realize. 
I hate that the ending ruined the whole book for me. Because I really was enjoying it. Mysteries are my shit. And I love reading about complicated family dynamics. But the way this story was written and executed just made it seem like Oliver got tired of prolonging this huge revelation, and dumped it all right at the ending. It didn't flow with the pace of the story. 
I do recommend reading this because this is one of those books where people either loved it, or hated it. And I'm always interested in seeing other people's opinions. So if you're a fan of any of her books, I recommend grabbing this one. Plus its Lauren Oliver and she'll always be one of my auto-buy authors. Just because I didn't enjoy the story doesn't mean I'm not glad I read it! (Plus its GORGEOUS on your shelf)

"The funny thing about almost-dying is that afterward everyone expects you to jump on the happy train and take time to chase butterflies through grassy fields or see rainbows in puddles of oil on the highway. It's a miracle, they'll say with an expectant look, as if you've been given a big old gift and you better not disappoint Grandma by pulling a face when you unwrap the box and find a lumpy, misshapen sweater."

"Being around Parker makes me hyperaware of my body, as if I've been taken apart and put together just a little bit wrong- which I guess I have."

"We stay like that for a long time, side by side, holding hands until the crickets, obeying the same ancient law that pulls the sun from the sky and throws the moon up after it, that strips autumn down to winter and pushes spring up afterward, obeying the law of closure and new beginnings, send their voices up form the silence, and sing."

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