
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Top Ten Books Recently Added to My TBR

This meme is hosted by the lovely ladies at The Broke and the Bookish

Volition by Lily Paradis 
You know that feeling in the pit of your stomach that stays with you, then tears you apart slowly at first, and all at once shreds every fiber of your being? 
It’s because you’re contradicting the universe. 
Everything lines up so perfectly that you couldn’t have imagined it to work out better, but then you have to go and do everything humanly possible to ruin it because you can’t stand to have it go right? 
That’s what I did. 
I did it because there’s a darkness that surrounds me, and I think I want it there. 
My name is Tate McKenna, and my soul is blacker than my heart.
Like... ??? I have no words for how creepy and awesome that sounds. Kudos to whoever wrote that. I don't even know what this is about. Is it a fantasy  A contemporary? A dystopian? NO ONE TELL ME. I want to be surprised. 

The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen 
This is the story of a princess who has been in hiding for 19 years, and finally decides its time to take her rightful place on the throne. Though she led quite the normal life before descending the throne and in turn feels very insecure about her abilities as a princess, she has one thing on her side: the Queens cadre (boys boys BOYS) and a magical necklace that has immense power. Shenanigans ensue as soon as she steps foot into the castle. What I liked most about the description of the book was that she was described "plain", which always helps a girl relate more to a character if she has some self-esteem issues (is that horrible of me to say?), she loves to read (can I get a hell yeah?!) and I like how the story is flipped. Instead of running away from her responsibilities at court, she's made the decision to put on her big girl panties and confront all those nasty royals. Plus the hardback cover??? G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S 

Just One Day by Gayle Forman
Finally jumping on the Gayle Forman bandwagon and decided to start with this beaut. Mostly because I don't plan on reading If I Stay since I saw the movie, and I'm in this huge traveling phase, so I figured this sounds perfect. And it takes place in one day. I can't tell if I'll hate that or not. So we shall see! 

Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen
I was a huuuuuuuuge Sarah Dessen fan when I was younger. That's all I read when I first started inhaling books; SD, Meg Cabot, Alyson Noel (in her contemporary days), and Hailey Abbot. You know, those coming-of-age contemporaries that feature first love, death, or suicide. My goal this year is to read more contemporaries and I feel like she's the queen of them. 

Loosing Hope by Colleen Hoover
Another queen of contemporaries! *insert raised hands emoji* 

Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma
The second I read that this was a love story between siblings.. I got a flashback to Stolen by Lucy Christopher. Its the kind of love story that makes you hide behind your fingers and wish you didn't feel this way cause it's wrong. You know its wrong, yet you fall in love with their love and I just have a feeling I'll do exactly that with his book and it will break my heart. I'm ready Suzuma. BREAK IT.

A Madness So Discreet by Mindy McGinnis
The thing that pulled my in first was the cover. Y'all. It's STUNNING. Then, I read that it was about a crazy girl. I love crazy people. Their minds are completely fascinating. And THEN I read that it was also a murder mystery and I dropped everything and drooled on my computer a little. And then I cried cause it doesn't come out till October. DAMNIT.

The Wrong Side of Right by Jenn Marie Thorne
Another cover that pulled me in the second I saw it. Kate's mother dies, leaving her completely alone. She's reeling from the death and doesn't know what to do. So isn't it the mother of all surprises when her father shows up in her living room, whisking her away into his politically-fueled life. He's running for President. I've always wondered what it must be like to be the daughter of a president. I'm hoping he wins early on in the book so we get the full affect of the White House and all it entails when you live in it. Plus I read a review where a person described it as being like All American Girl by Meg Cabot and that is ONLY one of my all time favorite kiddy books. So hell yes this is going on my TBR list!

White Hot Kiss by Jennifer L. Armentrout
I've been dying to get my hands on one of Armentrouts other books ever since I devoured The Lux series. I've heard she's the queen at romance and that all of her other books rock as much as the aliens did, so I added this to my list. Plus, theres elements of Shatter Me in here because the main character can kill anyone by kissing them. And she's half demon and half gargoyle. That.. just sounds weird. But cool. 

99 Days by Katie Cotugno
Theres nothing I love more than a love triangle with two brothers. It's my weakness. And this book is what happens when you have an explosive break up with one of them because you hooked up with the other. And you're stuck for the summer in your home with everyone hating you. And uh oh, the one brother you cheated on was supposed to be gone but SURPRISE HE'S HERE. And so is the other one. Does this not just sound awesome?! And hopefully not too confusing because I'm bad at summarizing books.

What're some of your recently added TBR books? 


  1. Okay, so I just added almost every single one of these books to my Goodreads TBR shelf, because your descriptions are great and your excitement is totally contagious. :) I think I'm most excited about Queen of the Tearling, because it has great star-ratings and apparently it's going to be a movie starring Emma Watson. So, naturally, I gave it a free pass to jump to the top of my TBR pile.

    1. Yay! I hope they don't disappoint us. I went to Barnes and Noble yesterday because I've been dying to get my hands on Queen of the Tearling and had to order it online because they didn't have it, but I'm so excited to read it! I'm gonna be picturing the main character as Emma Watson now

  2. I plan on started an eARC of Saint Anything this weekend and will see how it goes. It is my first Sarah Dessen book. I have read White Hot Kiss and really enjoyed it.

  3. Love your list!:D SOOO many books I want to read! Honestly I've never read a Colleen Hoover book but now I really want to read Maybe Someday because it sounds so sweet and unique and heartbreaking! The Queen of Tearling sounds awesome- and I also kinda like the fact that she's called "plain" because I feel like I can relate to her more! (yay self esteem issues;)):P I can't wait for A Madness so Discreet too!- I love murders and madness (in a book...):D And Jennifer Armentrout is always brilliant with romances!
    Have fun reading these!:)

    1. Thank youuuuu!<3 I had so much fun making this list. DEFINITELY read Maybe Someday, I did and it's unlike anything you will ever read, I swear. I ordered the Queen of the Tearling and also learned that there is a movie being made! And EMMA WATSON MIGHT PLAY THE MAIN CHARACTER. I squealed when I saw that and did a little happy dance. So this book is now my number one priority. Good, I want White Hot Kiss to blow me away like the Lux did!

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