
Friday, March 27, 2015

Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover

Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover
Publisher: Atria Books
Publication Date: March 18th, 2014
Pages: 384
Song I Played While Reading: Theres a soundtrack to this book and let me just warn you now: it's going to rip your heart apart. I'll leave the link for the website here and a free download here
Rating: 5 stars

At twenty-two years old, Sydney is enjoying a great life: She’s in college, working a steady job, in love with her wonderful boyfriend, Hunter, and rooming with her best friend, Tori. But everything changes when she discovers that Hunter is cheating on her—and she’s forced to decide what her next move should be.

Soon, Sydney finds herself captivated by her mysterious and attractive neighbor, Ridge. She can't take her eyes off him or stop listening to the passionate way he plays his guitar every evening out on his balcony. And there’s something about Sydney that Ridge can’t ignore, either. They soon find themselves needing each other in more ways than one.

Where do I begin with this book? How do I piece together my broken heart? It's taken quiet the beating this week, the poor thing. 
This novel was breathtaking from start to finish. Everything about it was flawless; the plot, the characters, THE MUSIC, the romance, and the writing style. Like I've said before, Hoover writes in a refreshingly straightforward way and it doesn't disappoint. Something I noticed while reading was how long it took me to get through this. I literally felt like I had read 200 pages when I had only read 50. But that was probably my favorite aspect of the book because I really got to know the characters and their world (plus I'm pretty sure I listened to each song 5 different times as they popped up in the story). Sydney was a very relatable character for me and I loved her. Everything she felt, I felt, and I just wanted to be able to throw my arms around her and cry alongside her because she goes through so much. 
This book was just one surprise after another, and the biggest of all was Ridge. Y'all know what I'm talking about if you've read this. This book gets an added depth and beauty to it once we're introduced to him, and it was fascinating. He's probably one of the most selfless guys I've ever had the honor to read about. Every page left me wishing, over and over again, that I would find someone like him. We rarely get guys like this in stories. Sydney and Ridge also hold nothing back and I loved how they handled everything in such a mature way. I hate unnecessary drama and it was so refreshing to see two people work things out instead of letting the emotions simmer in them. 
There were added twists that I didn't see coming and I kept thinking to myself "How the hell is Hoover going to work this one out?", and then she would go and do it and it would usually leave me heartbroken. 
Thats one thing this book doesn't lack: heartbreak. 
Never mind the fact that I now know every thought process behind each song on the album and have it on repeat (I like torturing myself), but their situation is so shitty but also so achingly stunning that you just want to scream and throw the book against the wall. I was torn in two and the crying really started in chapter 19, and escalated with every page until I had to put the book down cause I couldnt see anything. The love between these two characters was more than just the usual NA romance. Besides the unusual choice of barrier between them, they fall in love with each other through music. They pour their hearts out, giving life to these songs. Their connection is the main focus and it truly will take your breath away at how Hoover manages to weave their building relationship. It's unlike anything I've ever read. 
I have a feeling Colleen Hoover is going to become one of my new favorite authors and more than likely be the death of me. 
Another character I squealed over was Warren. He was the major comic relief and for that I (obviously) fell in love with him. Nothing can undo me like a guy with a sense of humor. It also doesn't help that I'm reading the novella, Maybe Not, right now and its centered around how him and Bridgette first met and I've had to set my kindle down multiple times to wipe away the tears of laughter. Plus fan my face a little because they have quiet the connection. Hoover definitely makes up for the almost zero foreplay we get in Maybe Someday and piles it all in Maybe Not. 
This book is absolutely amazing and one of a kind. Pick this sucker up pronto, you won't regret it!

"Me: Gigs are what gets your name out there.

Brennan: OUR name. I'm not telling you again to stop acting like you aren't half of this.

Me: I won't be if I can't work through this damn block.

Brennan: Maybe you should get out more. Cause some unnecessary drama in your life. Break up with Maggie for the sake of art. She'll understand. Heartache helps with lyrical inspiration. Don't you ever listen to country?" 

"For her I bend, for you I break"

"It wasn't the fact that she texted about hooking up with someone. What terrified me was my knee-jerk reaction. I wanted to throw my phone against the wall and smash it into a million pieces, then throw her against the wall and show her all the ways I could ensure she never thinks about another man again."

"There are only twenty-six letters in the English alphabet. You would think there would only be so much you could do with twenty-six letters. You would think there were only so many ways those letters could make you feel when mixed up and shoved together to make words.
However, there are infinite ways those twenty-six letters can make a person feel, and this song is living proof. I'll never understand how a few simple words strung together can change a person, but this song, these words, are completely changing me. I feel like my maybe someday just became my right now."

(Synopsis from Goodreads)

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