
Saturday, February 21, 2015

Book Blogger Love-a-Thon 2015

Hi guys! I'm super excited to announce that I'll be joining the 2015 Book Blogger Love-a-Thon, hosted by the lovely Alexa Loves Books. This is a fun little event that will span two days, filled with discussions, giveaways, challenges, and just a bunch of love. Its a great way to meet new people, make someones day, and spread some major positivity. Throughout the two days I'll be posting a bunch of stuff, so I hope you enjoy and consider joining if you haven't already :)

Intro Questionnaire

What's your name?
Mariah Sarah Smith. Fun fact; on my birth certificate my middle name is spelled wrong and it took 15 years for anyone to notice. And I of course was the one to notice.

(I have fancy pictures on my About Me page but most of the time I look like this. I've got to make it seem like I have a crazy cool life, right?! Don't worry I don't)

Where in the world are you blogging from?
I'm blogging from the beautiful state of California. I just moved here a month and a half ago from Illinois.

How did you get into blogging in the first place?
The only person I was sharing my book frenzy with was Goodreads, and the poor souls that follow me there, and my mom, who probably worries over my sanity. None of my friends read so I frequently found myself in my room, screeching and choking over books (its not as bad as it sounds, I promise). I watch Booktube on Youtube and have always though about starting my own channel, but wasn't quite confident enough yet. So I thought I'll take a shot at blogging, since its the next best thing. And I love it so much.

How did you come up with your blog name?
It took me days to figure out a good name that adequately described me and my attitude, yet also was short and catchy. I was scrolling through Tumblr when I say a picture of a beach with the words "Good vibes" etched over it, and it hit me right there. I should thank the person who reblogged that picture because who knows how long it would have taken me to think of something.

What genre do you read and review the most on your blog?
100% (mostly YA) fantasy/ paranormal/ dystopian. Does that count? All those genres kinda mesh into one for me, so I always think of books as either that or contemporary. Back in Illinois I had 2 and a half huge bookshelves with all fantasy/ paranormal/ dystopian while contemporary sat on two little built in shelves. I was re-doing them and actually was surprised at how many FPD books I had. I had to force myself to buy a contemporary to give my poor little brain a break, because I was constantly jumping from one world to another. Whenever I buy books I make sure to add at least 1 or 2 contemporary since I have so many on my to-read list on Goodreads but never get to them.

What other types of posts do you do on your blog, apart from reviews?
I do book hauls whenever I order books, It's Monday, What Are You Reading?, Top Ten Tuesday, and anything else book related I can think of. I want to start doing posts on book boyfriends, so we'll see if I can find a meme on that or if I just do a weekly thing on my own.

 Best blogging experience so far?
Hmmm either my first comment or my first follower. I'm a newbie so any comment, like, or follow on my blog, instagram, or twitter leaves me all red and happy in the face.

Favorite thing about the blogging community?
Seeing so many people review favorite books of mine and getting a different perspective. Obviously I'll love whatever book it is, but its nice seeing another person rip it apart and dissect it bit by bit.

Name of the 5 books you're most excited for this 2015!
Omg omg omg so much pressure OKAY HERE IT IS
1. Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas
2. A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas (can you tell she's my favorite?)
3. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
4. Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare (don't know exactly if the release year is 2015 or 2016)
5. P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han
See? FPD strikes again!

What's an underrated book or series that you think everyone should read?
I'll have to go with the Touch series by Laurie Faria Stolarz. I haven't finished the series, even though the last book came out years ago, but this was one of the few books I got my friends to read and they loved it. Plus the covers are drop dead gorgeous and the hardback jackets are made out of paper and feel really cool. Its awesome.

Which book boy or girl would be your BFF?
Seriously??? Can I have a million best friends cause this question is totally unfair! Alright hmmm...
I have to scroll through my favorite books on Goodreads so I don't forget anyone.

OKAY, Katy from the Lux series! She's a fellow book lover and made videos, which is beyond awesome. Plus she's got a hunky man who could probably hook me up with a hot alien (read the series and you'll understand). She's funny, sarcastic, totally down for multiple lazy days, but not afraid of being a little wild every once and a while.
(My other best friends are Celaena Sardothien, Rowan Whitethorn, Cas (from the Altered series, I don't think we ever get his last name), Cassie Sullivan, Juliette Ferrars (Ignite Me version), Tessa Gray, Kenji Kishimoto, Emma Carstairs (she's described to be the girl version of Jace. HOW DOES ONE NOT ALREADY LOVE HER?), Adrian Ivashkov, Rose Hathaway, Sydney Sage, Simon Lewis... It never ends.)

Apart from reading, what are your other hobbies or interests?
I love organizing, making lists (you'd think I'd be a very organized person myself, but no), going to concerts, watching movies, road trips, baking, visiting friends in college (because I'm not in it myself), and people watching. I just realized I don't have any solid hobbies or interests besides reading. Oops.

Apart from book shopping, what else do you like shopping for?
Clothes, shoes, mugs, journals, and food

At a party, the DJ suddenly changes the song- and it's your song. What song would be playing?
I've got three moods, so it depends.
Work This Body by Walk The Moon if I'm feeling more alternative-y
Light Years Away by Tiesto if I feel like breaking my neck (plus this is the song I played while reading Snow Like Ashes and oh boy does that book get me excited, GO MEIRA)
Fire (Yes, Yes Y'all) by Joe Budden and Busta Rhymes if I wanna reenact Mean Girls with my ladies

Pick out either a book you want turned into a film/TV show, or a film/TV show you want turned into a book.
This is impossible. I literally can't answer this without giving myself a hernia. Would I want Throne of Glass to be made into a movie? I WOULD NEED A GUARANTEE THAT IT WOULD KNOCK MY SOCKS OFF. But wait WHAT ABBOUT SHADOW AND BONE? Just kidding that already has movie rights *gulp*. But then again having a book of Captain America 2 would be swoon worthy. Ugh. What other movies do I like? This hurts my head.

Okaaayyyyyyy,  I hoped you enjoyed this odd questionnaire by yours truly. I tried not to ramble so hopefully some of these answers aren't too long and doesn't discourages you from reading the entire thing (though if you do I totally understand, I'm super spazzy this morning). Can't wait to get to know you guys!


  1. You're adorable, Mariah! So nice getting to know more about you! I love that one of your songs is by Walk The Moon too! Cannot wait for Six of Crows and ACOTAR! And whaaaaat- Shadow and Bone already has movie rights????? EEP

    1. Awww thank you :) DreamWorks got the film rights and the guy who produced the Harry Potter films is set to produce it, so hopefully that means it will be kick ass and awesome!

  2. Dude, you are the cutest. Just had to say that before the rest of my comment! I honestly love blogging for the simple fact that it puts me in touch with people who will flail/screech/die of feels while reading books that I felt the same way about. I don't, well, I didn't have bookish friends prior to blogging, so starting a blog was probably the best idea ever! Also, fellow Sarah J. Maas fan in the house - I'm a HUGE fan of hers, and have been since pre-Throne of Glass days :)

    Thanks for joining the Love-a-Thon!

    1. Eeep, thank you!! :) I'm glad its normal around here to kinda-sorta die of feels over books. My friends and family politely told me it wasn't, but I didn't care, I still did it anyways. Woop! Any Sarah J. Maas fan is a friend of mine :)
